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Online Coaching Classes by Doubtnut

We offer Online Coaching across all Categories

Doubtnut provides online coaching classes for students belonging to class 6 to class 12 of all state boards and provides coaching for competitive exams like IIT JEE and NEET. Not only this, we'll help you prepare for Government Exams like NDA and also offer courses for English speaking and English grammar to improve your conversational skills and enhance your grammar proficiency.

Our Offerings

Detailed Lectures
Detailed Lectures

Doubtnut's detailed lectures are taught by top teachers who use clear and concise language to explain complex concepts. Students can watch the lectures at their own pace and rewind or fast forward as needed

Daily Homework
Daily Homework

Our daily homework helps students practice what they have learned in the lectures. The homework is tailored to each student's needs and is a great way to stay on top of the material

Notes & Practice PDFs
Notes & Practice PDFs

Our study material is curated by the best teachers in the field. Whether you are preparing for your Board Exams or any Competitive exams like IIT JEE and NEET we've got it all Covered for you. our courses cover all topics in depth, include practice questions, and provide strategies for tackling these examinations

Live 24x7 Doubt solving
Live 24x7 Doubt solving

Doubtnut has the largest and most extensive video library featuring solutions for IIT JEE, NEET, NCERT, State Boards, and top books. Whenever you have a doubt, just click a picture and watch the videos 24x7 at your own pace and rewind or fast forward as needed

Flexibility and Convenience
Flexibility and Convenience

Doubtnut understands how important it is to have flexibility in your education. With online classes, you have the freedom to choose when and where you study. Whether you're a morning person or a night owl, you can access classes at a time that works best for you

  • 10,000+

    Toppers Produced!

  • 2,00,000+

    Students enrolled

  • 500+

    Courses across all categories

  • 2,01,932+

    Happy Paid Students

Meet Our Toopers

1st Rank
98.33 %
UP Board
Priyanshi Soni
Priyanshi Soni
2nd Rank
UP Board
Kushagra Pandey
Kushagra Pandey
3rd Rank
UP Board
Arpit Gangwar
Arpit Gangwar
1st Rank
Bihar Board
Ayushi Nandan
Ayushi Nandan
2nd Rank
Bihar Board
Shubham Chaurasiya
Shubham Chaurasiya
3rd Rank
Bihar Board
Aditi Kumari
Aditi Kumari
1st Rank
Rajasthan Board
1st Rank
Rajasthan Board

Frequently Asked Questions
  • How do I access Doubtnut's online classes?
    To access Doubtnut's online classes, simply visit our website and log in using your mobile number. Once you're logged in, you can explore the available courses and choose the ones that match your academic goals.
  • Can I learn at my own pace?
    Yes, Doubtnut's online classes offer flexibility in terms of pacing. You can access recorded scheduled classes at your convenience and learn at a speed that suits you. Additionally, our live classes are scheduled at different times to accommodate various time zones.
  • Are the classes suitable for all academic levels?
    Doubtnut's online courses cater to various academic levels, from high school to competitive exam preparation. We have courses designed specifically for board exams like NEET, JEE, UP Board, CBSE Board, and State Board.