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Give two examples of congenital diseases.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Congenital Diseases: Congenital diseases, also known as congenital disorders, are medical conditions that are present at birth. They can be inherited from parents and may be diagnosed either before birth or later in life.

2. Example 1 - Down Syndrome: One example of a congenital disease is Down syndrome. This condition is caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21, a genetic anomaly known as trisomy 21. Individuals with Down syndrome may have distinct physical features and varying degrees of intellectual disability.

3. Example 2 - Hemophilia: Another example of a congenital disease is hemophilia. This is a sex-linked disorder, meaning it is often passed from parent to child through genes located on the sex chromosomes. Hemophilia affects the blood's ability to clot, leading to excessive bleeding even from minor injuries.

4. Conclusion: Both Down syndrome and hemophilia are inherited conditions that are present at birth, making them examples of congenital diseases.

