CBSE Term 2 Exams from April 26 in Offline Mode

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has finally released the CBSE exam date for the term 2 board exams for Classes 10th and 12th. As per the CBSE term 2 date released by the Board, the examinations will commence on April 26, 2022. The CBSE Class 10 and CBSE Class 12 board exams will be held in an offline mode, the CBSE officials stated on Wednesday, February 9. “The board after discussion with various stakeholders and taking into consideration the COVID-19 situation in the country has decided to conduct second-term board exams in offline mode only,” stated Sanyam Bhardwaj, CBSE Examination Controller.

He further mentioned that theory exams will start on April 26, 2022, and the CBSE date sheet for Class 10 and Class 12 will be released soon. Candidates can visit the official CBSE website i.e. the cbse(dot)nic(dot)in for the detailed schedule of the examination, he added.

As per the media reports, the term 2 exam will have both objective and subjective questions in the question paper. In the CBSE term 1 exam, only multiple-choice questions were included.

CBSE Sample Paper for Term 2 Exams Released

The Board has already released the CBSE sample paper for term 2 exams. Students can now download the CBSE sample paper from the Board official website check i.e. cbseacademic (dot) nic (dot) in. “The Sample Question Papers for Term II Examination of Classes X and XII for the session 2021-22 are now available at CBSE website www.cbseacademic.nic,” reads the official notice.  Here we have provided the detailed steps to download the CBSE sample paper:

Step 1: Visit the official academic website of the CBSE board – cbseacademic (dot) nic (dot) in.

Step 2: Click on the “Sample Paper” tab then from the drop-down menu choose “SQP 2021 – 2022”

Step 3: Now, choose your class – “Class XII or X”. A new page will appear containing the PDF links of the sample question papers.

Step 4: Download the CBSE sample paper for the subject you wish to study

Step 5: Also, take the printout for future use

The CBSE sample paper encloses the type of questions, internal choices and format of the exam. Along with the sample papers, the Board has released the marking scheme for each subject. For more details, readCBSE Term 2 Sample Papers Released, Check Out Now

CBSE Term 1 Result to be Out Soon

As per media reports, the CBSE term 1 results are expected to be out next week. “This year the format has changed and the result for term 1 would only be a scorecard detailing how many marks the student has received. There is no grading and the formats have to be revised accordingly. This requires technical intervention and is likely to take a few more days to compile,” shared a source close to the CBSE.

Some Important Concepts for Class 10:

CBSE Class 10 & 12 Board Exams in Two Terms for the first time

Note, it is for the first time that CBSE is conducting Class 10 and 12 board exams in 2 terms. This was done considering the current COVID issue in the country. Last year, the Board was unable to hold board exams during the second wave of COVID-19 and had to formulate an alternative marking scheme to release the results.

In the latest development, the CBSE had issued a warning to students about fake announcements regarding the CBSE term 1 result and misinformation about the CBSE term 2 date. Furthermore, the Board has notified that students should confirm all the CBSE news with the official website of the CBSE.

Some Important Concepts for class 12: –

CBSE Term 2 Exams – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Question: What is the CBSE term 2 date?

Answer: The CBSE term 2 exam for CBSE Class 10 and CBSE Class 12 will commence on April 26.

Question: When will the CBSE Class 12 term 2 commence?

Answer: The CBSE Class 12 term 2 exams will commence on April 26, 2022.

Question: Has the CBSE result 2021 for term 1 been released?

Answer: No. CBSE result 2021 for term 1 is still awaited.

Question: How can I download the CBSE term 2 syllabus?

Answer: Students can easily download the CBSE syllabus 2021-22 online. Visit the CBSE official website – cbseacademic (dot) nic (dot) in to download the CBSE syllabus for term 2 exams.

Question: Is the CBSE date sheet for term 2 released?

Answer: No. The CBSE has not released the detailed CBSE date sheet for term 2 exams, however, the CBSE exam date for the commencement of the exams has been released by the Board.  The CBSE board exam will commence on April 26, 2022.

Question: Has the CBSE sample paper for term 2 exams been released?

Answer: Yes, the CBSE sample paper for term 2 has been released.

Question: How can I download the CBSE sample paper for term 2?

Answer: Students can now download the CBSE sample paper for term 2 exams from the CBSE official website check i.e. cbseacademic (dot) nic (dot) in.

Further readings –

Hi, I’m Aarti Chauhan

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