
Women’s Day 2022: Kanya Shiksha Pravesh Utsav Scheme Launched

International Women’s Day 2022: The Central Government has launched the “Kanya Shiksha Pravesh Utsav” scheme as a part of International Women’s Day Celebration week, intending to enrol back the out-of-school girls on the classrooms.

The Scheme has been launched by the Women and Child Development Ministry in partnership with the Ministry of Education and UNICEF India under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.

The event was graced by the presence of Union MoWCD Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani, Minister of State, MoWCD, Dr Mahendra Bhai Munjpara, and Minister of State, MoE Smt. Annapurna Devi. The National and State Secretaries from MoWCD, MoE and representatives from across India were also present. Moreover, Anganwadi workers and adolescent girls from various parts of India also joined the event and participated virtually. This further included the contribution of young girls, between 11-14 years of age, who shared their experiences about being reincorporated into classrooms.

This scheme will fulfil the main objective of the Right to Education (RTE) act that states to bring girls who are out of schools back to the classrooms. Stressing the same, the Minister of State, MoE, Smt. Annapurna Devi said, “It has been crucial for Ministry of Education to prioritize girls’ enrolment in the past years but in the light of the last two years of the pandemic, it becomes imperative to join our efforts and systemically leverage support for girls’ enrolment and retention in school, with a focus on supporting girls transitioning into secondary education and completion”.

The MoWCD secretary has expressed his confidence and stated we are determined to achieve a strong position soon and bring all adolescent girls back to the formal education system. As per the statistics shared by MoWCD Secretary Indevar Pandey, only 4 lakh out-of-school young girls are visiting the anganwadis for nutrition, nutrition education and skilling.

As per a media report, Indevar Pandey stated that “The focus is all boys and girls getting a quality education. We are making constant efforts to ensure no child, especially girls, are deprived of their right to education. We are drawing a programme for out-of-school adolescent girls which will be driven by the Anganwadi system in close partnerships with education officers at district and block levels.

As per the official statement, this scheme has been launched as the Scheme for Adolescent Girls, SAG which was launched to take care of the out-of-school girls is now getting less effective. As per the data, in 2018-19 there were 11.88 lakh girls which were beneficiaries under the SAG scheme and the number drastically came down to 5.03 lakh in 2021.

To combat this problem, the Central government has now launched this new scheme to empower women's education. Further, Mr Pandey said, "In our new scheme under Poshan 2 and Saksham Anganwadi, we will be only taking up girls in the age group of 14-18 years. Girls aged 11-14 years will not be coming into the Anganwadi system in new schooling that will also take care only of the northeastern states and all our aspirational districts.”

Mr Yasumasa Kimura, Deputy Representative, UNICEF India underlined the importance of such programmes, “Education for girls not only fulfils their right to learning and finding better opportunities in life and work, but it also contributes to building thriving and resilient societies that give all people – including boys and men – the opportunity to realize their full potential as individual and citizens of the world”.

International Women’s Day 2022: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question: When is International’s women’s day 2022 celebrated?

Answer: International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8, 2022.

Question: What is the objective of the ‘Kanya Shiksha Pravesh Utsav’ Scheme?

Answer: The objective of the ‘Kanya Shiksha Pravesh Utsav’ scheme is to enrol back the out-of-school girls on the classrooms.

Question: What are some government school education schemes for girls?

Answer: ‘Kanya Shiksha Pravesh Utsav’, ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’, ‘Ujjawala’, ‘Nari Shakti Puruskar’ are some of the government school education schemes for girls.

Further readings –

Hi, I’m Aarti Chauhan

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