Class 10 | PHYSICS |
Number Of Questions | 94 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Why does a compass needle get deflected when brought near bar magnet?
Draw magnetic lines around a bar magnet
List the properties of magnetic lines of force.
Write characteristics of magnetic field lines.
Why two magnetic lines of forces never intersect each other?
Consider a circular loop of wire lying in the plane of the table, let the current pass through the loop clockwise apply right hand rule to find out the direction of the magnetic field inside and outside the loop.
The magnetic field in a given region is uniform. Draw a diagram to represent it.
Choose the correct option
The magnetic field inside a long straight solenoid carrying current
Which of the following property of proton can change while is moves freely in a magnetic field?
There may be more than one correct answer.
In activity shown, how do you think the displacement of rod `AB` will be affected :if the current in rod ab is increased,
In activity shown, how do you think the displacement of rod AB will be affected :A stronger horse shoe magnet is used,
In activity shown, how do you think the displacement of rod AB will be affected :Length of the rod AB is increased
A positivity charged particle emitted from a nucleus alpha particle projected towards west is deflected towards north by a magnetic field. The direction of the magnetic field us,
State Fleming's left hand rule.
What is the principle of an electric motor?
What is the role of the split ring in an electric motor?
Explain different ways to induce current in a coil.
State the principle of electric generator
Name some sources of direct current.
Which sources produce alternating current?
Choose the correct option:A rectangular coil of copper wires is rotated in magnetic field.The direction of induced current changes once in each:
Name two safety measures commonly used in electric circuits and appliances
Write two safety measures commonly used in electric circuit appliances
An electric oven of 2k W power rating is operated in a domestic electric circuit (220 V) That has current rating of 5 a. What result do you expect? Explain.
What precautions should be taken to avoid the overloading of domestic electric circuit?
Which of the following correctly describes the magnetic field near a long wire?
The phenomenon of electromagnetic is:
The device used for producing electric current is called,
The essential difference between an AC generator and a DC generator is that:
At the time of short circuit,the current in the circuit.
State whether the following statements are true or false. An electric motor converts mechanical energy into electric energy
State whether the following statements are true or false: An electric generator works on the principle of electromagnetic induction
State whether the following statements are true or false: The field at the centre of a long circular coil carrying current will be parallel straight lines.
State whether the following statements are true or false. A wire with a green insulations usually the live wire.
List three sources of magnetic field.
How does a solenoid behaver like a magnet? Can you determine north and south poles of current carrying solenoid with the help of bar magnet?Explain
When is the force experienced by a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field, the largest?
Imagine that you are sitting in a chamber with your back to one wall an electron beam moving horizontally with back towards the front wall ,is defected by a strong magnetic field to your right side. What is the direction of the magnetic field?
What is the role of the split ring in an electric motor?
Name some devices in which electric motors are used.
A coil of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer, what will happen if a bar magnet is pushed into the coil
A coil of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer, what will happen if a bar magnet is Withdrawn from inside the coil.
A coil of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer what will happen if a bar magnet is held stationary in the coil?
Two circular coils A and B placed closed to each other.If the current in the coil A is changed,will some current be induced in coil B?Give reason
When does an electric short circuit occur?
What is the function of earth wire? Why is it necessary to earth metallic appliances?
State two properties of magnetic field lines.
Given magnetic field due to solenoid on what factors the strength of the field depends?
What is solenoid? How does a solenoid behave like a bar magnet?
What is an electromagnet? Upon what factors its strength depends?
Explain principal,construction and working of D.C.generator.
Arrange an activity to show that current is produced due to change in magnetic field.
What are essential precautions to be used while using electricity?
What are magnetic filed lines? How can the magnetic lines of force due to a bar magnet be shown?
How will you prove that current flowing through a copper wire produces magnetic effect?
What do you understand by magnetic effect of current? To understand this effect give oersted experiment
Write important properties of magnetic lines of force?
How will you represent diagrammatically uniform and non-uniform magnetic field?
In the given figure what are the lines shown around the magnet called? Also give any two properties of these lines.
What is Maxwell's right hand thumb rule?
Which rule is shown in the figure?Define the rule in which device this rule is used?
In the figure which law is shown?lablel 1 and 2 in relation to the law shown.
Name the law shown in the figure lable 1 and 2 according to this law.
In the alongside figure a straight conductor B is carrying current in the vertical downward direction. What will be the direction of magnetic field lines around the conductor?
In the alongside figure a straight conductor B is carrying current in the vertical downward direction. What will be the direction of magnetic field lines around the conductor?
What is electro-magnetic induction?
List some such electric applicances in which electric motor is used.
What is electric fuse ?Why is its important?
Why the fuse wire should have high resistance and low melting point?
What is meant by over-loading?
When does an electric short circuit occur?
What are hazards of electricity?
What is a dynamo?
On what principle is a.c.motor based?
What is an electric motor?
List three sources of magnetic field.
Name the physical qanitity whose S.I. unit is weber`/m^2`.
In which part of a bar magnet,The magnetic field lines are more denser?
How does the strength of the magnetic field at the centre of a circular coil of a wire depend on:(a)radius of the coil(b) number of turns of coil.
Name any two devices which uses electric motor as an essential component in their working.
Define an elelctromagnet
Define magnetic pole.
Name two electric devices which act on magnetic effect of electric current.
What is electric fuse?Why is its important?
Which electrical phenomenon is responsible for deflection of galvonometer needle in the given figure?
The direction of magnetic field produced on passing electric current in a conductor is determined by
The direction of the force produced in a current carrying coil placed in a strong magnetic field is determined by
What is the colour of neutral wire in a domestic electric circuit?
When a current carrying wire and neutral wire come in contact so that heavy current beings to flow, this arrangement is called
Connecting metallic frame of high power electrical appliances with the earth wire of domestic circuit is called
Which of the following is source of direct current?
The device used for producing electric current is called:
Similar magnetic poles…
Magentic field lines are…..
EXAMPLE questions and complete solutions for chapter MAGNETIC EFFECTS OF ELECTRIC CURRENT of MBD of Class 10