Class 10 | BIOLOGY |
Number Of Questions | 25 |
Academic Year | 2023-24 |
Differentiate soaps and detergents .
Differentiate irreversible and reversible reactions.
A is a reddish brown metal which combines with `O_2` at ` lt 1370 K ` gives B, a black coloured compound. At a temperature ` gt` 1370 K, A gives C which is red in colour. Find A, B and C with reaction.
(a) Explain the reaction of carboxylic acids on metals.
(b) What is micelles?
Define Hydrated salt .
Give the applications of Avogadro's hypothesis .
Explain the combustion zone in the extraction of iron from its ore ? Write the chemical reaction occurring in that zone .
7.5 litre of ethanol is present in 15 litre of aqueous solution of ethanol . Calculate Volume percent of ethanol solution .
Calculate the number of water molecules present in one drop of water which weights 0.18 g.
A solution is prepared by dissolving 45g of sugar in 180g of water. Calculate the mass percentage of solute.
An organic compound of molecule formula `C_2H_6O`(A) which is used as an antifreeze when oxidised with `K_2Cr_2O_7//H^(+)` gives compound (B) which is used for making Vinegar . Identify compound (A) and (B) . Write the reactions involved .
Write some solubility substances in water at `25^(@)C`.
Along with cryolite and alumina, another substance is added to the electrolyte mixture. Name the substance and give one reason for the addition.
Arrive at , systematically , the IUPAC name of the compound : `CH_3-CH_2-CH_2-OH` .
How many grams are there in the following ?
3 moles of chlorine molecule , `Cl_2`
A solid compound 'A' decomposes on heating into 'B' and a gas 'C' . On passing the gas 'C' through water , it becomes acidic .Identify A, B and C .
(a) What is activation energy?
(b) Powdered calcium carbonate reacts more readily with hydrochloric acid than marble chips. Give reasons.
Give the salient features of " Modern atomic theory ".
Silicon forms a compound with chlorine in which 5.6 g of silicon is combined with 21.3 g of chlorine .Calculate the formula of the compound .
( atomic mass Si = 28 : Cl = 35-5).
What is aqueous and non-aqueous solution? Give an example.
How is Bauxite are concentrated ?
List any two differences between atom and molecules.
Metal A belongs to period 3 and group 13. A in red hot condition reacts with steam to form B. A with strong alkali forms C. find A, B and C with reactions.
The gases hydrogen and chlorine do not react with each other even if kept together for a long time. However, in the presence of sun light, they readily combine. What does actually happen?
Write the characteristics of hydrocarbons .
ANSWER ANY QUESTIONS (CHEMISTRY) questions and complete solutions for chapter SELF-EVALUATION TEST 4 MARKS of SURA BIOLOGY (TAMIL ENGLISH) of Class 10