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Complete Solutions to Very short Answer type Questions of chapter THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

NCERT EXEMPLARVery short Answer type Questions
Number Of Questions15
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Is the bulb of a thermoeter made of diathermic or adiabatic wall ?

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  2. A student records the initial length l, change in temperature `Delta T` and change in length `Delta T` of a rod as follows
    `{:("S.No.","l(m)",Delta T(.^(@)C),Delta l(m)),(1.,2,10,4xx 10^(-4)),(2.,1,10,4 xx 10^(-4)),(3.,2,20,2 xx 10^(-4)),(4.,3,10,6 xx 10^(-4)):}`
    If the first observation is correct, what can you say about observation 2, 3 and 4.

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  3. Why does a metal bar appear hotter than a wooden bar at the same temperature? Equivalently it also appears cooler than wooden bar if they are both colder than room temperature.

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  4. Calculate the temperature which has same number value on Celsius and Fahrenheit scale.

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  5. These days people use steel utensiles with copper bottom. This is supposed to be good for uniform heating of food. Explain this effect using the fact tha copper is the better conductor.

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  6. find out the increase in moment of inertia I of a uniform rod (coefficient of linear expansion `alpha`) about its perpendicular bisector when its temperature is slightly increased by `Delta T.`

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  7. During summers in india, one of the common practice to keep cool is to make ice balls of crushed ice, dip it in flavored sugar syrup and sip it. For this a stick is inserted into crushed ice and is squeezed in the palm to make it into the ball. Equivalently in winter in those areas where it snows, people make snow balls and throw around. Explain the formation of ball out of crushed ice or snow in the light of P - T diagram of water.

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  8. 100 g of water is supercooled to - `10^@C.` At this point, due to same disturbance mechanised or otherwise some of it suddenly freezes to ice. What will be the temperautre of the resultant mixture and how much mass would freeze ?`[s_w = 1 cal//g// .^@ C and L_(Fusion)^(w) = 80 cal//g]`

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  9. One day in the morning, Ramesh filled up 1//3 bucket of hot water from geyser, to take bath, Remaining 2//3 was to be filled by cold water (at room temperature) to bring mixture to a comfortable temperature. Suddenly Ramesh had to attend to something which would take some times, say 5 -10 minutes before he could take bath. Now he had two options : (i) fill the remaining bucket completely by cold water and then attend to the work, (ii) first attend to the work and fill the remaining bucket just before taking bath. Which option do you think would have kept water warmer ? Explain.

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  10. We would like to perpare a scale whose length does not change with temperature. It is proposed to prepare a unit scale f this type whose length remains, say 10 cm. We can use a bimetallic strip made of brass and iron each of different length (both components) would change in such a way that differnece between theri lenght rermain constant. If `alpha_(iron) = 1.2 xx 10^(-5)//K and alpha_(brass) = 1.8 xx 10^(-5)//K,` what should we take as lenght of each strip ?

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  11. We would like to make a vessel whose volume does not change with temperature . We can use brass and iron `(beta_(brass) = 6 xx10^(-5) // K and beta_(iron) = 3.55 xx 10^(-5)//K)` at create a volume of 100 c c. How do you think you can achieve this.

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  12. Calculate the stress developed inside a tooth cavity filled with copper when hot tea at temperature of `57^(@)C` is drunk. You can take body (tooth) temperature to be `37^(@)C` and `alpha_(Cu) = 1.7 xx 10^(-5)//^(@)C` bulk modulus for copper `B_(Cu) = 140 xx 10^(9) N//m^(2)`.

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  13. A rail track made of steel having length 10 m is clamped on a railway line at its two ends

    on a summer day due to rise in temperature by `20^@C,` it is deformed as shown in fig. Find x (displacement of the centre) if `alpha_(steel) = 1.2 xx 10^(-5)//^@C.`

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  14. A thin rod, length `L_(0)` at `0^(@)C` and coefficient of linear expansion `alpha` has its two ends mintained at temperatures `theta_(1)` and `theta_(2)` respectively Find its new length .

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  15. Ac cording to Stefan' law of radiation, a black body radiates energy `sigma T^4` from its unit surface area every second where T is the surface temperature of the black body and `sigma = 5.67 xx 10^(-8) W//m^2 K^4` is known as Stefan's constant. A nuclear weapon may be thought of as a ball of radius 0.5 m When detoneted, it reachs temperature of `10^6 K` and can be treated as a black body. (a) Estimate the power it radiates. (b) if surrounding has water at `30^@C` how much water can 10% of the energy produced evaporate in 1s ? ` [s_w = 4186.0 J//Kg K and L_(upsilon) = 22.6 xx 10^5 J//kg]` (c ) If all this energy U is in the form of radiation, corresponding momentum is ` p = U//c.` How much momentum per unit time does it impart on unit area at a distance of 1 km ?

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Very short Answer type Questions questions and complete solutions for chapter THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER of NCERT PHYSICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11