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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Statement I And Ii Type Questions) of chapter FUNCTIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Statement I And Ii Type Questions)
Number Of Questions11
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `bb"Statement I"` The function f(x) =xsinx and f'(x)=xcosx+sinx are both non-periodic.
    `bb"Statement II"` The derivative of differentiable functions (non-periodic) is non-periodic funciton.

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  2. `bb"Statement I"` The maximum value of `sin sqrt(2)x+sin ax` cannot be 2 (where a is positive rational number).
    `bb"Statement II "sqrt(2)/a` is irrartional.

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  3. Let `f:Rrarr R ` be a function defined by,` f(x)`=`(e^|x|-e^-x)/(e^x+e^-x` then

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  4. `bb"Statement I"` The range of
    `f(x)=sin(pi/5+x)-sin(pi/5-x)-sin((2pi)/5+x)+sin((2pi)/5-x)` is [-1,1].
    `bb"Statement II " cos""pi/5-cos""(2pi)/5=1/2`

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  5. `bb"Statement I"` The period of `f(x)=2cos""1/3(x-pi)+4sin""1/3(x-pi) " is " 3pi`.
    `bb"Statement II"` If T is the period of f(x), then the period of f(ax+b) is `T/abs(a)`.

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  6. f is a function defined on the interval [-1,1] such that f(sin2x)=sinx+cosx. `bb"Statement I"` If `x in [-pi/4,pi/4]`, then `f(tan^(2)x)=secx` `bb "Statement II" f(x)=sqrt(1+x), forall x in [-1,1]`

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  7. `bb"Statement I"` The equation `f(x)=4x^(5)+20x-9=0` has only one real root.
    `bb"Statement II" f'(x)=20x^(4)+20=0` has no real root.

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  8. `bb"Statement I"` The range of `log(1/(1+x^(2))) " is " (-infty,infty)`.
    `bb"Statement II" " when " 0 lt x le 1, log x in (-infty,0].`

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  9. Let `f:X rarr Y` be a function defined by
    `bb"Statement"` For set `X,x in [0,pi/2] cup [pi,(3pi)/2]`, f(x) is one-one function.
    `bb"Statement II" f'(x) ge 0,x in [0,pi/2]`

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  10. Let f(x)=sin x
    `bb"Statement I"` f is not a polynominal function.
    `bb"Statement II"` nth derivative of f(x), w.r.t. x, is not a zero function for any positive integer n.

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  11. The inverse of the function of `f:R to R` given by `f(x)=log_(a) (x+sqrt(x^(2)+1)(a gt 0, a ne 1)` is

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Exercise (Statement I And Ii Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter FUNCTIONS of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12