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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) of chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions)
Number Of Questions65
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In a `DeltaABC,` if `a=13, b=14and c=15, ` then `angle A` is equal to (All symbols used have their usual meaning in a triangle.)

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  2. In a `DeltaABC`, if `b =(sqrt3-1) a and angle C=30^(@),` then the value of (A-B) is equal to (All symbols used have usual meaning in the triangel.)

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  3. In `a Delta ABC,` if `angle C =105^(@), angleB=45^(@)` and length of side AC =2 units, then the length of th side AB is equal to

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  4. If P is a point on the altitude AD of the `Delta ABC` such that `angle CBP=B/3,` then AP is equal to

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  5. In `DeltaABC,` if `2b =a+ c and A-C=90^(@),` then sin B equal
    All symbols used have usual meaning in `Delta ABC.]`

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  6. Let ABC be a right triangle with length of side `AB=3` and hyotenus `AC=5.` If D is a point on BC such that `(BD)/(DC)=(AB)/(AC),` then AD is equal to

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  7. Two medians draen form the acute angles of a right angled triangle intersefct at an angle `(pi)/(6).` If the length of the hypotenuse of the triangle is 3 units, then the area of the triangle (in sq units) is `sqrtK,` then K is

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  8. If in a right angle `DeltaABC,4 sin A cos B-1 =0` and tan A is finite, then

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  9. Let `A=[{:(a,b,c),(p,q,r),(1,1,1):}]and B=A^(2)`
    If `(a-b)^(2) +(p-q)^(2) =25, (b-c) ^(2)+ (q-r)^(2)= 36 and (c-a)^(2) +(r-p)^(2)=49,` then det B is

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  10. If in a `DeltaABC,` the incricle passing through the point of intersection of perpendicular bisector of sides BC, AB, then `4 sin ""A/2sin ""B/2sin""C/2` equal to

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  11. If two sides of a triangle are roots of the equation `x^2-7x+8=0` and the angle between these sides is `60^0` then the product of inradius and circumradius of the triangle is `8/7` (b) `5/3` (c) `(5sqrt(2))/3` (d) `8`

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  12. If median AD of a triangle ABC makes angle `(pi)/(6)` with side BC, then the value of `(cot B-cot C)^(2)` is equal to

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  13. If the perimeter of the triangle formed by feet of altitudes of the triangle ABC is equal to four times the circumradius of `Delta ABC`, then identify the type of `Delta ABC`

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  14. In a triangle with one angle `(2pi)/(3),` the lengths of the sides form an A.P. If the length of the greatest side is 7 cm, the radius of the circumcircle of the triangle is

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  15. Sides of triangle ABC are in A.P. if `a < min {b, c}` then `cos A` is equal to

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  16. The product of the sines of the angles of a triangle is `p` and the product of their cosines is `qdot` Show that the tangents of the angles are the roots of the equation `q x^3-p x^2+(1+q)x-p=0.`

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  17. Let C be incircle of `DeltaABC.` If the tangenst of lengths `t_(1), t_(2) and t_(3)` are drawn inside the given triangle parallel to sides a,b and c, respectively, then `(t_(1))/(a )+ (t _(2))/(b)+ (t_(3))/©`is equal to

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  18. If the sine of the angles of `DeltaABC` satisfy the equation `c^(3)x^(3)-c^(2) (a+b+c)x^(2)+lx +m=0`
    (where a,b,c are the sides of `DeltaABC),` then `DeltaABC` is

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  19. The rational number which equals the number `2. 357 ` with recurring decimal is `(2355)/(1001)` b. `(2379)/(997)` c. `(2355)/(999)` d. none of these

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  20. In a triangle `ABC, a ge b ge c.` If
    `(a^(3)+b^(3)+c^(3))/(sin ^(3)A +sin ^(3) B+sin ^(3)C)=8,` then the maximum value of a `sin^(3) A+sin ^(3) B+ sin^(3)C`

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  21. A triangle ABC exists such that

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  22. In a `delta ABC,` a,c, A are given and `b_(1) , b_(2)` are two values of third side b such that `b_(2)=2b_(1).` Then, the value of sin A.

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  23. In a triangle ABC, if `cot A =(x^(3)+x^(2) +x)^(1/2), cot B= (x+x^(-1)+1)^(1/2) and cot C= (x^(-3) +x^(-2)+x^(-1))^(-1)/(2)),` then the triangle is

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  24. In a `Delta ABC, a,b,A ` are given and `c_(1), c_(2)` are two valus of the third side c. The sum of the areas two triangles with sides a,b,`c_(1) and a,b,c_(2)` is

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  25. In `Delta ABC`, if a = 10 and `b cot B + c cot C = 2(r + R)` then the maximum area of `DeltaABC` will be

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  26. Three circles touch one-another externally. The tangents at their point of contact meet at a point whose distance from a point contact is 4. Then, the ratio of the product of the radii of the sum of the radii of circles is

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  27. Let a,b,c be the sides of a triangle. No two of them are equal and `lamda in R` If the roots of the equation
    `x ^(2) +2 (a+b+c)x+3 lamda (ab+bc+ca)=0` are real distinct, then

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  28. In triangle ABC, if P, Q, R divides sides BC, AC and AB, respectively, in the ratio k,1 (in order). If the ratio `((areaDeltaPQR)/(area DeltaABC))is1/3,` then k is equal to

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  29. Let `f (x+y)=f(x). f(y)` for all x and y `f(1)=2` If in a triangle `ABC, a =f (3),b=f(1)+f (3), c=f (2)+f (3), `

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  30. Let a, b c be given positive numbers, then values of x,y and `z in R^(+)` which satisfies equations `x+y+z=a+b+x and 4xyz=-(a^(2)x+b^(2) +c^(2)z)=` abc are respectively.

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  31. If `'t_(1)' , 't_(2)' and 't_(3)'` are the lengths of the tangents draen from centre of x-circle to the circumcircle of the `DeltaABC,` then `(1)/(t _(1)^(2))+(1)/(t _(2)^(2))+(1)/(t_(3)^(2))` is equal to

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  32. In triangle `ABC, angle A gt pi/2. A A_(1) and A A_(2)` are the medium and altitude, espectively. If `angle B A A_(1)= angle A _(1) A A_(2)=angle A _(2) AC,` then `sin^(3)""A/3 . Cos ""A/3 ` is equal to

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  33. In an ambiguoa ambiguous case of solving a triangleshen `a = sqrt5,b = 2, /_A=pi/6` and the two possible values of third side are `c_1 and c_2`, then

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  34. If `R_1` is the circumradius of the pedal triangle of a given triangle `A B C ,a n dR_2` is the circumradius of the pedal triangle of the pedal triangle formed, and so on `R_3,R_4` then the value of `sum_(i=1)^ooR_i ,` where `R` (circumradius) of` A B C` is `5` is 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 15

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  35. If in a triangle `(1-(r_1)/(r_2))(1-(r_1)/(r_3))=2` then the triangle is right angled (b) isosceles equilateral (d) none of these

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  36. If the median AD of a triangle ABC makes an angle `theta` with side, AB, then `sin(A-theta)` is equal to

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  37. In a `DeltaABC,` angles A,B,C are in AP, then `lim_(AtoC)(sqrt(3-4A sinC))/(|A-C|)` is

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  38. In a triangle `ABC, (a+b+c)(b+c-a)=lambdabc` if

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  39. In the triangle ABC, if `(a^(2)+b^(2)) sin (A-B)=(a^(2) -b^(2)) sin (A+B),` then the triangle is

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  40. In a `DeltaABC,` sides a,b,c are inAP and `(2)/(1!9!)+(2)/(3!7!)+(1)/(5!5!)=(8^(a))/((2b)!),` then the maximum value of tan A tan B is equal to

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  41. If a, b,c be the sides foi a triangle ABC and if roots of equation `a(b-c)x^2+b(c-a)x+c(a-b)=90` are equal then `sin^2 A/2, sin^2, B/2, sin^2 C/2` are in (A) A.P. (B) G.P. (C) H.P. (D) none of these

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  42. The ratio of the area of a regular polygon of `n` sides inscribed in a circle to that of the polygon of same number of sides circumscribing the same is 3:4. Then the value of `n` is 6 (b) 4 (c) 8 (d) 12

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  43. In any triangle ABC `sum (sin^2A+sinA+1)/sinA` is always greater than or equal

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  44. If the incircel of the triangle ABC, through it's circumcentre, then the `cos A + cos B + cos C` is

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  45. The perimeter of a triangle ABC is saix times the arithmetic mean of the sines of its angles. If the side `ai s1` then find angle `Adot`

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  46. If there are only two linear functions f and g which map `[1,2] on [4,6]` and in a `DeltaABC, c =f (1)+g (1)` and a is the maximum valur of `r^(2),` where r is the distance of a variable point on the curve `x^(2)+y^(2)-xy=10` from the origin, then sin A: sin C is

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  47. A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle of side `adot` The area of any square inscribed in this circle is ______.

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  48. In any triangle ABC, if sin A , sin B, sin C are in AP, then the maximum value of `tan ""B/2` is

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  49. In a `DeltaABC, 2 cos A=(sin B)/(sin C) and 2 ^(tan^(2)B)` is a solution of equation `x^(2)-9x +8=0,` then `DeltaABC` is

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  50. A triangle is inscribed in a circle. The vertices of the triangle divide the circle into three arcs of length `3,4 and 5` units. Then area of the triangleis equal to:

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  51. If a,b and c are the sides of a traiangle such that `b.c =lamda ^(2),` then the relation is `a, lamdaand A` is

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  52. In a triangle ABC, AD is the altitude form- abcA (Fig. 12.9). Given `b>0, 2C = 23^@ and AD =(abc)/(b^2-c^2)` then `/_B`. is equal to

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  53. In triangle `ABC, a=5, b=4` and `cos(A+B)=(31)/(32)` In this triangle,`c=`

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  54. In a ` A B C ,ifA B=x , B C=x+1,/_C=pi/3` , then the least integer value of `x` is 6 (b) 7 (c) 8 (d) none of these

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  55. In an equilateral triangle, three coins of radii `1` unit each are kept so that they touch each other and also the sides of the triangle. The area of the triangle `ABC` is

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  56. The sides of a triangle are in AP. If the angles A and C are the greatest and smallest angle respectively, then `4 (1- cos A) (1-cos C)` is equal to

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  57. If in `Delta ABC, c(a+b) cos ""B/2=b (a+c) cos ""C/2,` the triangle is

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  58. In a triangle ABC , the line joining the circumcentre and incentre is parallel to BC, then Cos B + Cos C is equal to:

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  59. In the given figure, AB is the diameter of the circle, centered at O. If `angle COA =60^(@), AB=2r, Ac=d and CD=l,` then l is equal to

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  60. If in a `DeltaABC, AD, BE and CF` are the altitudes and R is the circumradius, then the radius of the circumcircle of `DeltaDEF` is

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  61. In a right angled triangle ABC, the bisector of the right angle C divides AB into segment x and y and `tan((A-B)/(2))=t,` then x:y is equal to

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  62. A variable triangle ABC is circumscribed about a fixed circle of unit radius. Side BC always touches the circle at D and has fixed direction. If B and C vary in such a way that `(BD). (CD)=2,` then locus of vertex A will be a straight line

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  63. A tower of height b substends an angle at a point O on the leavel of the foot of the tower and at a distance a from the foot of the tower. If a pole mounted on the lower also subtends an equal angle at O, the height of the pole is

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  64. A balloon is observed simultaneously from three points A, B and C on a straight road directly under it. The angular elevation at `B` is twice and at `C` is thrice that at `A` . If the distance between A and B is 200 metres and the distance between B and C is 100 metres, then find the height of balloon above the road.

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  65. A vertical pole (more than 100 m high) consists of two protions, the lower being one third or the whole. If the upper portion subtends an angle `tan ^(-1)((1)/(2))` at a point in a horizontal plance through the foot of the pole and distance 40 ft from it, then the height of the pole is

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Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter PROPERTIES AND SOLUTION OF TRIANGLES of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12