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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam) of chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam)
Number Of Questions26
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `f:R-{-1}toR and f` is differentiable function satisfies:
    `yinR-{_1}` Find f(x).

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  2. A solution curve of the differential equation `(x^2+xy+4x+2y+4)((dy)/(dx))-y^2=0` passes through the point `(1,3)` Then the solution curve is

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  3. Let `f:(0,oo)->R` be a differentiable function such that `f'(x)=2-f(x)/x` for all `x in (0,oo)` and `f(1)=1`, then

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  4. Let `y(x)` be a solution of the differential equation `(1+e^x)y^(prime)+y e^x=1.` If `y(0)=2` , then which of the following statements is (are) true? (a) `( b ) (c) y(( d ) (e)-4( f ))=0( g )` (h) (b) `( i ) (j) y(( k ) (l)-2( m ))=0( n )` (o) (c) `( d ) (e) y(( f ) x (g))( h )` (i) has a critical point in the interval `( j ) (k)(( l ) (m)-1,0( n ))( o )` (p) (q) `( r ) (s) y(( t ) x (u))( v )` (w) has no critical point in the interval `( x ) (y)(( z ) (aa)-1,0( b b ))( c c )` (dd)

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  5. Consider the family of all circles whose centers lie on the straight line `y=x` . If this family of circles is represented by the differential equation `P y^+Q y^(prime)+1=0,` where `P ,Q` are functions of `x , y` and `y^(prime)(h e r ey^(prime)=(dy)/(dx),y^=(d^2y)/(dx^2)),` then which of the following statements is (are) true? (a) `( b ) (c) P=y+x (d)` (e) (b) `( f ) (g) P=y-x (h)` (i) (c) `( d ) (e) P+Q=1-x+y+y +( f ) (g)(( h ) (i) y^(( j )prime( k ))( l ) ( m ))^(( n )2( o ))( p ) (q)` (r) (s) `( t ) (u) P-Q=x+y-y -( v ) (w)(( x ) (y) y^(( z )prime( a a ))( b b ) ( c c ))^(( d d )2( e e ))( f f ) (gg)` (hh)

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  6. The function y=f(x) is the solution of the differential equation `[dy]/[dx]+[xy]/[x^2-1]=[x^4+2x]/sqrt[1-x^2]` in (-1, 1), satisfying `f(0)=0`. Then `int_[-sqrt3/2]^[sqrt3/2] f(x)dx` is (A) ` pi/3 - sqrt3/2` (B) ` pi/3 - sqrt3/4` (C) ` pi/6 - sqrt3/4` (D) ` pi/6 - sqrt3/2`

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  7. Let `f:[1/2,1]vecR` (the set of all real numbers) be a positive, non-constant, and differentiable function such that `f^(prime)(x)<2f9x)a n df(1/2)=1` . Then the value of `int_(1/2)^1f(x)dx` lies in the interval `(2e-1,2e)` (b) `(3-1,2e-1)` `((e-1)/2,e-1)` (d) `(0,(e-1)/2)`

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  8. A curve passes through the point `(1,(pi)/(6)).` Let the slope of the curve at each point (x,y) be `(y)/(x)+sec((y)/(x)),xgt0.` Then, the equation of the curve is

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  9. Let `f:[0,1]rarrR` (the set of all real numbers) be a function. Suppose the function `f` is twice differentiable, `f(0)=f(1)=0 and satisfies `f\'\'(x)-2f\'(x)+f(x) ge e^x, x in [0,1]` If the function `e^(-x)f(x)` assumes its minimum in the interval `[0,1]` at `x=1/4`, which of the following is true? (A) `f\'(x) lt f(x), 1/4 lt x lt 3/4` (B) `f\'(x) gt f(x), `0 lt x lt 1/4` (C) `f\'(x) lt f(x), 0 lt x lt 1/4` (D) `f\'(x) lt f(x), 3/4 lt x lt 1`

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  10. Let `f:[0,1]rarrR` (the set of all real numbers) be a function. Suppose the function `f` is twice differentiable, `f(0)=f(1)=0 and satisfies `f\'\'(x)-2f\'(x)+f(x) ge e^x, x in [0,1]` Which of the following is true for `0 lt x lt 1` ? (A) `0 lt f(x) lt oo` (B) `-1/2 lt f(x) lt 1/2` (C) `-1/4 lt f(x) lt 1` (D) `-oo lt f(x) lt 0`

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  11. Let `f:[0,1]rarrR` (the set of all real numbers) be a function. Suppose the function `f` is twice differentiable, `f(0)=f(1)=0 and satisfies `f\'\'(x)-2f\'(x)+f(x) ge e^x, x in [0,1]` Which of the following is true for `0 lt x lt 1` ? (A) `0 lt f(x) lt oo` (B) `-1/2 lt f(x) lt 1/2` (C) `-1/4 lt f(x) lt 1` (D) `-oo lt f(x) lt 0`

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  12. Let `f:[0,1]toR` (the set of all real numbers ) be a function. Suppose the function f is twice differentiable,f(0)=f(1)=0 and satisfies
    `f''(x)-2f'(x)+f(x)gee^(2),x in [0,1]` Consider the statements.
    I. There exists some `x in R` such that, `f(x)+2x=2(1+x^(2))`
    (II) There exists some `x in R` such that, 2f(x)+1=2x(1+x)

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  13. If `y(x)` satisfies the differential equation `y^(prime)-ytanx=2xs e c x` and `y(0)=0` , then (a) `( b ) (c) y(( d ) (e) (f)pi/( g )4( h ) (i) (j))=( k )(( l ) (m)pi^(( n )2( o ))( p ))/( q )(( r )8sqrt(( s )2( t ))( u ))( v ) (w) (x)` (y) (b) `( z ) (aa) (bb) y^(( c c )prime( d d ))( e e )(( f f ) (gg) (hh)pi/( i i )4( j j ) (kk) (ll))=( m m )(( n n ) (oo)pi^(( p p )2( q q ))( r r ))/( s s )(( t t ) 18)( u u ) (vv) (ww)` (xx) (c) `( d ) (e) y(( f ) (g) (h)pi/( i )3( j ) (k) (l))=( m )(( n ) (o)pi^(( p )2( q ))( r ))/( s )9( t ) (u) (v)` (w) (d) `( x ) (y) (z) y^(( a a )prime( b b ))( c c )(( d d ) (ee) (ff)pi/( g g )3( h h ) (ii) (jj))=( k k )(( l l )4pi)/( m m )3( n n ) (oo)+( p p )(( q q )2( r r )pi^(( s s )2( t t ))( u u ))/( v v )(( w w )3sqrt(( x x )3( y y ))( z z ))( a a a ) (bbb) (ccc)` (ddd)

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  14. Let `y^(prime)(x)+y(x)g^(prime)(x)=g(x)g^(prime)(x),y(0),x in R ,` where `f^(prime)(x)` denotes `(dy(x))/(dx),` and `g(x)` is a given non-constant differentiable function on `R` with `g(0)=g(2)=0.` Then the value of `y(2)` is______

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  15. Let `f: RvecR` be a continuous function which satisfies `f(x)=` `int_0^xf(t)dtdot` Then the value of `f(1n5)` is______

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  16. For the following question, choose the correct answer from the codes (a),(b),( c ) and (d) follows
    Let a solution y=y(x) of the differential equation `xsqrt(x^(2)-1)dy-ysqrt(y^(2)-1)dx=0` satisfy y(2)=`(2)/(sqrt3)`
    Statement I y(x) = sec `(sec^(-1)x-(pi)/(6))` and
    Statement II y(x) is given by `(1)/(2)=(2sqrt3)/(x)-sqrt(1-(1)/(x^(2)))`

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  17. If a curve `y=f(x)` passes through the point `(1,-1)` and satisfies the differential equation `,y(1+x y)dx""=x""dy` , then `f(-1/2)` is equal to: (1) `-2/5` (2) `-4/5` (3) `2/5` (4) `4/5`

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  18. Let y(x) be the solution of the differential equation `(xlogx)(dy)/(dx)+y=2xlogx, (xge1)`, Then y(e) is equal to

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  19. Let the population of rabbits surviving at a time t be governed by the differential equation `(d p(t)/(dt)=1/2p(t)-200.` If `p(0)""=""100` , then p(t) equals (1) `400-300""e^(t//2)` (2) `300-200""e^(-t//2)` (3) `600-500""e^(t//2)` (4) `400-300""e^(-t//2)`

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  20. At present a firm is manufacturing 2000 items. It is estimated that the rate of change of production p with respect to additional nuber of workers x is given by `(dp)/(dx)=100-12sqrtx.` If the firm employes 25 more workers, then the new level of production of items is

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  21. The population p(t) at time t of a certain mouse species satisfies the differential equation `(d p(t)/(dt)=0. 5 p(t)-450` If `p(0)""=""850` , then the time at which the population becomes zero is (1) 2 ln 18 (2) ln 9 (3) `1/2` In 18 (4) ln 18

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  22. If `(dy)/(dx)=y+3` and y(0)=2, then y(log2) is equal to

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  23. Let I be the purchase value of an equipment and V(t) be the value after it has been used for t years. The value V(t) depreciates at a rate given by differential equation `(d V(t)/(dt)=-k(T-t)` , where `k"">""0` is a constant and T is the total life in years of the equipment. Then the scrap value V(T) of the equipment is : (1) `T^2-1/k` (2) `I-(k T^2)/2` (3) `I-(k(T-t)^2)/2` (4) `e^(-k T)`

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  24. Solution of the differential equation
    `cosxdy=y(sinx-y)dx, 0ltxlt(pi)/(2)`is

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  25. The differential equation which represents the family of curves `y=c_(1)e^(c_(2^(x)` where `c_(1)andc_(2)` are arbitary constants is

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  26. The differential equation of the family of circles with fixed radius 5 units and centre on the line y=2 is

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Exercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam) questions and complete solutions for chapter DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12