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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Subjective Type Questions) of chapter PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Subjective Type Questions)
Number Of Questions17
Academic Year2023-24
  1. `""^(n)C_(n-r)+3.""^(n)C_(n-r+1)+3.""^(n)C_(n-r+2)+""^(n)C_(n-r+3)=""^(x)C_(r)`

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  2. Solve the equation `3^(x+1)C_(2)+P_(2)x=4^(x)A_(2),x in N`.

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  3. Number of positive terms in the sequence `x_n=195/(4P_n)-(n+3p_3)/(P_(n+1)), n in N` (here `p_n=|anglen`)

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  4. Prove that `.^(n-1)C_(3)+.^(n-1)C_(4) gt .^(n)C_(3)` if `n gt 7`.

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  5. In how many ways can a mixed doubles game in tennis be arranged from 5 married couples, if no husband and wife play in the same game?

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  6. In how many ways, we can choose two teams of mixed double for a tennis tournament from four couples such that if any couple participates, then it is in the same team?

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  7. A family consists of a grandfather, 5 sons and daughters and 8 grand child. They are to be seated in a row for dinner. The grand children wish to occupy the 4 seats at each end and the grandfather refuses to have a grandchild on either side of him. In how many ways can the family be made to sit?

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  8. A tea party is arranged for 16 persons along two sides of a long table with 8 chairs on each side. Four persons wish to sit on one particular and two on the other side. In how many ways can they be seated?

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  9. Every man who has lived on earth has made a certain number of handshakes. Prove that the number of men who have made an odd number of handshakes is even.

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  10. A train is going from cambridge to london stops at nine intermediate stations. Six persons enter the train during the journey with six different tickets. How many different sets of tickets they have had?

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  11. n different things are arrnaged around a circle. In how many ways can 3 objects be selected when no two of the selected objects are consecutive?

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  12. A boat is to be manned by eight men, of whom 2 can only row on bow side and 1 can only row on stroke side; in how many ways can the crew be arranged?

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  13. In how any different ways can a set `A` of `3n` elements be partitioned into 3 subsets of equal number of elements? The subsets `P ,Q ,R` form a partition if `PuuQuuR=A ,PnnR=varphi,QnnR=varphi,RnnP=varphidot`

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  14. A square of n units is divided into `n^(2)` squares each of area 1 sq unit. Find the number of ways in which 4 points (out of `(n+1)^(2)` vertices of the squares) can be chosen so that they form the vertices of a square.

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  15. How many sets of 2 and 3 (different) numbers can be formed by using numbers betweeen 0 and 180 (both including) so that 60 is their average?

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  16. There are `n` straight lines in a plane in which no two are parallel and no three pass through the same point. Their points of intersection are joined. Show that the number of fresh lines thus introduced is `1/8n(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)`

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  17. 6 balls marked as 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 are kept in a box. Two players A and B start to take out 1 ball at a time from the box one after another without replacing the ball till the game is over. The number marked on the ball is added each time to the previous sum to get the sum of numbers marked on the balls taken out. If this sum is even, then 1 point is given to the players. the first player to get 2 points is declared winner. at the start of the game, the sum is 0. if A starts to take out the ball, find the number of ways in which the game can be won.

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Exercise (Subjective Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12