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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) of chapter MONOTONICITY MAXIMA AND MINIMA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions)
Number Of Questions28
Academic Year2023-24
  1. If `f:[1,10]->[1,10]` is a non-decreasing function and `g:[1,10]->[1,10]` is a non-decreasing function. Let `h(x)=f(g(x))` with `h(1)=1,` then `h(2)`

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  2. P is a variable point on the curve y= f(x) and A is a fixed point in the plane not lying on the curve. If `PA^(2)` is minimum, then the angle between PA and the tangent at P is

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  3. Let `f(x){:{(1+sinx", "xlt0),(x^(2)-x+1ge0):}` Then

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  4. If m and n are positive integers and `f(x) = int_1^x(t-a )^(2n) (t-b)^(2m+1) dt , a!=b`, then

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  5. Find the intervals in which the following functions are (a)increasing (b)decreasing `f(x)=x^2-6x+7`

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  6. If f is twice differentiable such that f"(x)=-f(x) `f'(x)=g(x),h'(x)=[f(x)]^(2)+[g(x)]^(2)andh(0)=2,` `h(1)=4,` then the equation y=h(x) represents.

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  7. If f(x) `{:{(2x^2+2/x^2",",0ltabsxle2),(3",",x gt2):}`then

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  8. Given a function `y=x^(x),xgt0and0ltxlt1.` The values of x for which the function attain values exceeding the values of its inverse are

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  9. `sinx+cosx=y^(2)-y+a` has no value of x for any y, if a belongs

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  10. `f:R to R` is defined by f(x)=`=(e^(x^(2))-e^(-x^(2)))/(e^(x^(2))+e^(-x^(2)))`, is

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  11. Let f(x) be a quadratic expression possible for all real x.
    If `g(x)=f(x)-f'(x)+f''(x),` then for any real x

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  12. Let `f(x)=min{1,cos x,1-sinx}, -pi le x le pi`, Then, f(x) is

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  13. `f(x)={(2-|x^(2)+5x+6|"",xne-2),(a^(2)+1"",x=-2):}`,then the range of a, so
    that f(x) has maxima at x=-2 is

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  14. Maximum number of real solution for the equation
    `ax^(n)+x^(2)+bx+c=0,"where "a,b,c in R ` and n is an even positive number, is

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  15. Maximum number area of rectangle whose two sides are
    `x=x_(0),x=pi-x_(0)` and which is inscribed in a region bounded by y=sin x and X-axis is obtained when `x_(0) in `

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  16. f(x)=-1+kx+k neither touches nor intecepts the curve f(x)= In x, then minimum value of k `in`

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  17. f(x) is a polynomial of degree 4 with real coefficients such that `f(x)=0` is satisfied by `x=1,2,3` only, then `f'(1).f'(2).f'(3)` is equal to

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  18. A curve whose concavity is directly proportional to the logarithm of its x-coordinates at any of the curve, is given by

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  19. `F(x) = 4 tan x-tan^(2)x+tan^(3)x,xnenpi+(pi)/(2)`

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  20. If `f(x) = { 3 + |x-k|, x leq k; a^2 -2 + sin(x-k)/(x-k), xgtk}` has minimum at x =k, then show that `|a| >2`.

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  21. Let f(x) be linear functions with the properties that `f(1) le f(2), f(3) ge f(4) " and " f(5)=5.` Which one of the following statements is true?

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  22. If P(x) is polynomial satisfying `P(x^(2))=x^(2)P(x)andP(0)=-2, P'(3//2)=0andP(1)=0.`
    The maximum value of P(x) is

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  23. If the curve `x^(2)=-4(y-a)` does not intersect the curve
    `y=[x^(2)-x+1]` (where [,] denotes the greatest integer
    function) in `[0,(1+sqrt(5))/(2)],` then

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  24. Let `f(x)=x^(2)-2xandg(x)=f(f(x)-1)+f(5-f(x)),` then

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  25. Let `f:NrarrN ` in such that `f(n+1)gtf(f(n))` for all `n in N` then

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  26. The equation `|2ax-3|+|ax+1|+|5-ax|=(1)/(2)` possesses

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  27. If `int_(0)^(x)2xf^(2)(t)dt=(int_(0)^(x)2f(x-t)dt)^(2)` for f(1)=1 and f(x) is comtinuos function for `xgto` and `{a_(n)}` is a sequence
    such that `a_(n+1)=a_(n)+sqrt(1+a_(n)^(2))` for a=0, if f(x) is an
    increasing function, then `lim_(nto oo)(a_K)/(2^(n-1))=`
    (where `k=f(n^(sqrt2-1))) ` is

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  28. A function `f` is defined by `f(x)=|x|^m|x-1|^nAAx in Rdot` The local maximum value of the function is `(m ,n in N),` `1` (b) `m^nn^m` `(m^m n^n)/((m+n)^(m+n))` (d) `((m n)^(m n))/((m+n)^(m+n))`

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Exercise (Single Option Correct Type Questions) questions and complete solutions for chapter MONOTONICITY MAXIMA AND MINIMA of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12