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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam) of chapter PROBABILITY of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
ARIHANT MATHSExercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam)
Number Of Questions55
Academic Year2023-24
  1. A person goes to office either by car, scooter, bus or train probability of which being`1/7, 3/7, 2/7 and 1/7` respectively. Probability that he reaches office late, if he takes car, scooter, bus or train is `2/9, 1/9, 4/9 and 1/9` respectively. Given that he reached office in time, then what is the probability that he travelled by a car?

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  2. A six faced fair die is thrown until 1 comes. Then , the probability that 1 comes in even number is trials, is

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  3. Let A and B be two events such that `Poverline((AcupB))=(1)/(6),P(AcapB)=(1)/(4) and Poverline(A)=(1)/(4)`,where `overline(A)` stands for complement of event A. then , events A and B are

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  4. Three houses are available in a locality. Three persons apply for the houses. Each applies for one house without consulting others. The probability that all the three apply for the same house , is

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  5. A randam variable X has Poisson's distribution with mean 2. Then , `P(X)gt 1.5)` is equal to

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  6. There are n urns each containing (n+1) balls such that ith urn contains i white balls and (n+1-i) red balls.

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  7. In a telephone enquiry system, the number of phone calls regarding relevant enquiry follow poisson distribution with an average of five phone calls during 10-minute time intervals. The probability that there is at the most one phone call during a 10-minute time period is

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  8. One Indian and four American men and their wives are to be seated randomly around a circular table. Then the conditional probability that the Indian man is seated adjacent to his wife given that each American man is seated adjacent to his wife is

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  9. Let `H_1, H_2,..., H_n` be mutually exclusive events with `P (H_i) > 0, i = 1, 2,.......... n.` Let `E` be any other event with `0 < P (E)` Statement I `P(H_i|E) > P(E|H_i .P(H_i)` for `i=1,2,.......,n` statement II `sum_(i=1)^n P(H_i)=1`

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  10. Let `E^c` denote the complement of an event `E.` Let `E,F,G` be pairwise independent events with `P(G) gt 0` and `P(E nn F nn G)=0` Then `P(E^c nn F^c nn G)` equals (A) `P(E^c)+P(F^c)` (B) `P(E^c)-P(F^c)` (C) `P(E^c)-P(F)` (D) `P(E)-P(F^c)`

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  11. A pair of fair dice is thrown independently three times. The probability of getting a score of exactly 9 twice is (1) 1/729 (2) 8/9 (3) 8/729 (4) 8/243

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  12. Two aeroplanes I and II bomb a target in succession. The probabilities of I and II scoring a hit correctly are 0.3 and 0.2, respectively. The second plane will bomb only if the first misses the target. The probability that the target is hit by the second plane is (1) 0.06 (2) 0.14 (3) 0.2 (3) 0.7

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  13. An experiment has 10 equally likely outcomes. Let A and B be two non-empty events of the experiment. If A consists of 4 outcomes, the number of outcomes that B must have so that A and B are independent, is (A) 2, 4 or 8 (B) 3, 6 or 9

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  14. Consider the system of equations ax + by = 0; cx + dy = 0, where `a, b, c, d in {0,1}`)STATEMENT-1: The probability that the system of equations has a unique solution is 3/8 STATEMENT-2: The probability that the system of equations has a solution is 1

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  15. A die is thrown. Let A be the event that the number obtained is greater than 3. Let B be the event that the number obtained is less than 5. Then `P""(AuuB)` is (1) `3/5` (2) 0 (3) 1 (4) `2/5`

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  16. It is given that the events A and B are such that `P(A)=(1)/(4),P((A)/(B))=(1)/(2) and P((B)/(A))=(2)/(3)`. Then `P(B)` is

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  17. A fair die is tossed repeatedly until a six is obtained Let X denote the number of tosses required The probability that `X = 3` equals

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  18. A fair die is tossed repeated until a six is obtained. Let X denote the number of tosses required.
    The probability that `X ge 3` is

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  19. A fair die is tossed repeatedly until a six obtained. Let X denote the number of tosses required.
    The conditional probability that `X ge 6` given `X gt 3` equals

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  20. In a binomial distribution `B(n , p=1/4)` , if the probability of at least one success is greater than or equal to `9/(10)` , then n is greater than (1) `1/((log)_(10)^4-(log)_(10)^3)` (2) `1/((log)_(10)^4+(log)_(10)^3)` (3) `9/((log)_(10)^4-(log)_(10)^3)` (4) `4/((log)_(10)^4-(log)_(10)^3)`

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  21. One ticket is selected at random from 50 tickets numbered 00, 01, 02, ... , 49. Then the probability that the sum of the digits on the selected ticket is 8, given that the product of these digits is zero, equals (1) 1/14 (2) 1/7 (3) 5/14 (4) 1/50

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  22. Let `omega` be a complex cube root unity with `omega!=1.` A fair die is thrown three times. If `r_1, r_2a n dr_3` are the numbers obtained on the die, then the probability that `omega^(r1)+omega^(r2)+omega^(r3)=0` is `1//18` b. `1//9` c. `2//9` d. `1//36`

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  23. A signal which can be green or red with probability `4/5 and 1/5` respectively, is received by station A and then and 3 transmitted to station B. The probability of each station receiving the signal correctly is `3/4` If the signal received at station B is green, then the probability that the original signal was green is (a) `3/5` (b) `6/7` (d) `20/23` (d) `9/20`

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  24. Four numbers are chosen at random (without replacement) from the set {1, 2, 3, ....., 20}. Statement-1: The probability that the chosen numbers when arranged in some order will form an AP Is `1/(85)` . Statement-2: If the four chosen numbers from an AP, then the set of all possible values of common difference is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. (1) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is not the correct explanation for Statement-1 (2) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is false (3) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true (4) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true; Statement-2 is the correct explanation for Statement-1

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  25. An urn contains nine balls of which three are red, four are blue and two are green. Three balls are drawn at random without replacement from the urn. The probability that the three balls have different colour, is

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  26. Let `U_1` , and `U_2`, be two urns such that `U_1`, contains `3` white and `2` red balls, and `U_2,`contains only`1` white ball. A fair coin is tossed. If head appears then `1` ball is drawn at random from `U_1`, and put into `U_2,` . However, if tail appears then `2` balls are drawn at random from `U_1,` and put into `U_2`. . Now `1` ball is drawn at random from `U_2,` .61 . The probability of the drawn ball from `U_2,` being white is

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  27. Given that the drawn ball from U2 is white, the probability that head appeared on the coin

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  28. Let `Ea n dF` be tow independent events. The probability that exactly one of them occurs is 11/25 and the probability if none of them occurring is 2/25. If `P(T)` deontes the probability of occurrence of the event `T ,` then `P(E)=4/5,P(F)=3/5` `P(E)=1/5,P(F)=2/5` `P(E)=2/5,P(F)=1/5` `P(E)=3/5,P(F)=4/5`

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  29. Consider 5 independent Bernoulli.s trials each with probability of success p. If the probability of at least one failure is greater than or equal to `(31)/(32)` , then p lies in the interval : (1) `(1/2,3/4]` (2) `(3/4,(11)/(12)]` (3) `[0,1/2]` (4) `((11)/(12),1]`

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  30. If C and D are two events such that `CsubD""a n d""P(D)!=0` , then the correct statement among the following is : (1) `P(C|D)""=""P(C)` (2) `P(C|D)geqP(C)` (3) `P(C|D)""<""P(C)` (4) `P(C|D)""=(P(D)/(P(C)`

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  31. Let A, B, C be pariwise independent events with `P(C) >0 and P(AnnBnnC) = 0`. Then `P(A^c nn B^c/C)`.

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  32. A ship is fitted with three engines `E_1`, `E_2`, and `E_3`,. The engines function independently of each other with respective probabilities `1/2`. `1/4`and `1/4` ,and For the ship to be operational at least two of its engines must function. Let X denote the event that the ship is operational and let `X_1`, `X_2`, and `X_3` denote respectively the events that the engines `E_1`, `E_2` and `E_3`,are functioning. Which of the following is (are) true?

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  33. four fair dice `D_1, D_2,D_3 and D_4` each having six faces numbered 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 are rolled simultaneously. The probability that `D_4` shows a number appearing on one of `D_1,D_2,D_3` is

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  34. If X and Y are two events such that `PX//Y)=(1)/(2), P(Y//X)=(1)/(3)` and `P(XcapY)(1)/(6)`. Then, which of the following is/are correct ?

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  35. Three numbers are chosen at random without replacement from {1, 2, 3, ...... 8}. The probability that their minimum is 3, given that their maximum is 6, is (1) `3/8` (2) `1/5` (3) `1/4` (4) `2/5`

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  36. A multuple choice examination has 5 questions. Each questions has three alternative answers of which exactly one is correct. The probability that a student will get 4 or more correct answers just be guessing, is

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  37. Four person independently solve a certain problem correctly with probabilities `1/2,3/4,1/4,1/8dot` Then the probability that he problem is solve correctly by at least one of them is `(235)/(256)` b. `(21)/(256)` c. `3/(256)` d. `(253)/(256)`

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  38. Of the three independent events `E_1, E_2 and E_3,` the probability that only `E_1` occurs is `alpha,` only `E_2` occurs is `beta` and only `E_3` occurs is `gamma.` Let the probability p that none of events `E_1, E_2 and E_3` occurs satisfy the equations `(alpha-2beta), p=alphabeta and (beta-3gamma) p=2beta gamma.` All the given probabilities are assumed to lie in the interval `(0,1).` Then,`(probability of occurrence of E_1) / (probability of occurrence of E_3)` is equal to

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  39. A box `B_(1)` contains 1 white ball, 3 red balls, and 2 black balls. An- other box `B_(2)` contains 2 white balls, 3 red balls and 4 black balls. A third box `B_(3)` contains 3 white balls, 4 red balls, and 5 black balls.
    If 2 balls are drawn (without replecement) from a randomly selected box and one of the balls is white and the other ball is red the probability that these 2 balls are drawn from box `B_(2)` is

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  40. A box `B_1` contains 1 white ball, 3 red balls and 2 black balls. Another box `B_2` contains 2 white balls, 3 red balls and 4 black balls. A third box `B_3` contains 3 white balls, 4 red balls and 5 black balls.If 1 ball is drawn from each of the boxes `B_1 , B_2 and B_3`, then the probability that all 3 drawn balls are of the same colour , is

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  41. Let A and B be two events such that `Poverline((AcupB))=(1)/(6),P(AcapB)=(1)/(4) and P(overline(A))=(1)/(4)`,where `overline(A)` stands for complement of event A. then , events A and B are

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  42. Three boys and two girls stand in a queue. The probability, that the number of boys ahead is at least one more than the number of girls ahead of her, is (A) `1/2` (B) `1/3` (C) `2/3` (D) `3/4`

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  43. Box 1 contains three cards bearing numbers 1, 2, 3; box 2 contains five cards bearing numbers 1, 2, 3,4, 5; and box 3 contains seven cards bearing numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. A card is drawn from each of the boxes. Let `x_i` be the number on the card drawn from the ith box, i = 1, 2, 3. The probability that `x_1+x_2+x_3` is odd is The probability that `x_1, x_2, x_3` are in an aritmetic progression is

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  44. Box 1 contains three cards bearing numbers 1, 2, 3; box 2 contains five cards bearing numbers 1, 2, 3,4, 5; and box 3 contains seven cards bearing numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. A card is drawn from each of the boxes. Let `x_i` be the number on the card drawn from the ith box, i = 1, 2, 3. The probability that `x_1+x_2+x_3` is odd is The probability that `x_1, x_2, x_3` are in an aritmetic progression is

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  45. If 12 identical balls are to be placed in 3 identical boxes, then the probability that one of the boxes contains exactly 3 balls is : (1) `` `(55)/3(2/3)^(11)` (2) `55(2/3)^(10)` (3) `220(1/3)^(12)` (4) `22(1/3)^(11)`

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  46. The minimum number of times a fair coin needs to be tossed, so that the probability of getting at least two heads is at least 0.96 is :

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  47. Let `n_1, and n_2`, be the number of red and black balls, respectively, in box I. Let `n_3 and n_4`,be the number one red and b of red and black balls, respectively, in box II. One of the two boxes, box I and box II, was selected at random and a ball was drawn randomly out of this box. The ball was found to be red. If the probablity that this red ball was drawn from box II is `1/3` then the correct option(s) with the possible values of `n_1, n_2, n_3, and n_4`, is(are)

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  48. Let `n_1, and n_2`, be the number of red and black balls, respectively, in box I. Let `n_3 and n_4`,be the number one red and b of red and black balls, respectively, in box II. A ball is drawn at random from box 1 and transferred to box II. If the probability of drawing a red ball from box I, after this transfer, is `1/3` then the correct option(s) with the possible values of `n_1 and n_2` , is(are)

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  49. Let two fair six-faced dice A and B be thrown simultaneously. If `E_1` is the event that die A shows up four, `E_2` is the event that die B shows up two and `E_3` is the event that the sum of numbers on both dice is odd, then which of the following statements is NOT true ? (1) `E_1` and `E_2` are independent. (2) `E_2` and `E_3` are independent. (3) `E_1` and `E_3` are independent. (4) `E_1` , `E_2` and `E_3` are independent.

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  50. A computer producing factory has only two plants `T_(1)` and `T_(2)`. Plant `T_(1)` produces 20% and plant `T_(2)` produces 80% of the total computers produced. 7% of computers produced in the factory turn out to be defective. It is known that P(computer turns out to bedefective, given that it is produced in plant `T_(1)`)=10P (computer turns out to be defective, given that it is produced in plant `T_(2)`), where P(E) denotes the probability of an event E.A computer produced in the factory is randomly selected and it does not turn out to be defective. Then, the probability that it is produced in plant `T_(2)`, is

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  51. Football teams `T_1 and T_2` have to play two games against each other. It is assumed that the outcomes of the two games are independent. The probabilities of `T_1` winning. Drawing and losing a game against `T_2` are `(1)/(2),(1)/(6) and (1)/(3)` respectively. Each team gets 3 points for a win. 1 point for a draw and 10 pont for a loss in a game.
    Let `X and Y` denote the total points scored by teams `T_1 and T_2` respectively. after two games.

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  52. Football teams `T_1 and T_2` have to play two games against each other. It is assumed that the outcomes of the two games are independent. The probabilities of `T_1` winning, drawing and losing a game against `T_2` are `(1)/(2),(1)/(6) and (1)/(3)` respectively. Each team gets 3 points for a win. 1 point for a draw and 0 point for a loss in a game. Let `X and Y` denote the total points scored by teams `T_1 and T_2` respectively. after two games. `P(X=Y)` is

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  53. A box contains `15` green and `10` yellow balls. If `10` balls are randomly drawn, one-by-one, with replacement, then the variance of the number of green balls drawn is : (a) `12/5` (b) `6` (c) `4` (d) `6/25`

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  54. If two different numbers are taken from the set `{0,1,2,3, ,10};` then the probability that their sum as well absolute difference are both multiple of `4,` is: `(14)/(45)` (2) `7/(55)` (3) `6/(55)` (4) `(12)/(55)`

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  55. For three events `A ,B` and `C ,P` (Exactly one of `A` or `B` occurs) `=P` (Exactly one of `B` or `C` occurs) `=P` (Exactly one of `C` or `A` occurs) `=1/4` and `P` (All the three events occur simultaneously) `=1/6dot` Then the probability that at least one of the events occurs, is : `7/(64)` (2) `3/(16)` (3) `7/(32)` (4) `7/(16)`

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Exercise (Questions Asked In Previous 13 Years Exam) questions and complete solutions for chapter PROBABILITY of ARIHANT MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12