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Complete Solutions to Exercise (Single) of chapter INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
CENGAGE NEWExercise (Single)
Number Of Questions34
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Four non zero vectors will always be a. linearly dependent b. linearly independent c. either a or b d. none of these

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  2. Let `veca,vecb,vecc` be three unit vectors such that `3veca+4vecb+5vecc=vec0`. Then which of the following statements is true? (A) `veca` is parrallel to vecb` (B) `veca` is perpendicular to vecb` (C) `veca` is neither parralel nor perpendicular to `vecb` (D) `veca,vecb,vecc` are copalanar

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  3. Let ABC be a triangle the position vectors of whose vertices are respectively `hati+2hatj+4hatk, -2hati+2hatj+hatk and 2hati+4hatj-3hatk`. Then the `/_\ABC` is (A) isosceles (B) equilateral (C) righat angled (D) none of these

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  4. If `|veca+ vecb| lt | veca- vecb|`, then the angle between `veca and vecb` can lie in the interval

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  5. A point O is the centre of a circle circunscribed about a triangle ABC. Then , `vec OA sin 2A + bvec OB sin 2B + vec OC sin 2C ` is equal to

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  6. If G is the centroid of a triangle ABC, prove that `vec(GA)+vec(GB)+vec(GC)=vec(0)`.

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  7. If ` vec a\ ` is a non zero vecrtor iof modulus ` vec a\ a n d\ m` is a non zero scalar such that `m a` is a unit vector, write the value of `mdot`

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  8. ABCD a parallelogram, and `A_1 and B_1` are the midpoints of sides BC and CD, respectively. If `vec(A A)_1` `+ vec(AB)_1 = lamda vec(AC)`, then `lamda` is equal to `

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  9. The position vectors of the points `Pa n dQ` with respect to the origin `O` are ` vec a= hat i+3 hat j-2 hat k` and ` vec b=3 hat i- hat j-2 hat k ,` respectively. If `M` is a point on `P Q ,` such that `O M` is the beisector of `P O Q ,` then ` vec O M` is a. `2( hat i- hat j+ hat k)` b. `2 hat i+ hat j-2 hat k` c. `2(- hat i+ hat j- hat k)` d. `2( hat i+ hat j+ hat k)`

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  10. `A B C D` is a quadrilateral. `E` is the point of intersection of the line joining the midpoints of the opposite sides. If `O` is any point and ` vec O A+ vec O B+ vec O C+ vec O D=x vec O E ,t h e nx` is equal to a. `3` b. `9` c. `7` d. `4`

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  11. The vector `vec(AB)=3hati+4hatk and vec(AC)=5hati-2hatj+4hatk` are sides of a triangle ABC. The length of the median through A is (A) `sqrt(18)` (B) `sqrt(72)` (C) `sqrt(33)` (D) `sqrt(288)`

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  12. A, B, C and D have position vectors `veca, vecb, vecc and vecd`, repectively, such that `veca-vecb = 2(vecd-vecc)`. Then

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  13. If `veca and vecb` are two unit vectors and `theta` is the angle between them, then the unit vector along the angular bisector of `veca and vecb` will be given by

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  14. let us define , the length of a vector as `|a| + |b| +|c| `. this definition coincides with the usual definition of the length of a vector `ahati + bhatj + chatk ` if

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  15. Given three vectors `veca=6hati-3hatj,vecb=2hati-6hatj and vecc=-2hati+21hatj` such that `vecalpha=veca+vecb+vecc`. Then the resolution of te vector `vecalpha` into components with respect to `veca and vecb` is given by (A) `3veca-2vecb` (B) `2veca-3vecb` (C) `3vecb-2veca` (D) none of these

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  16. If ` vecalpha+ vecbeta+ vecgamma=a vecdeltaa n d vecbeta+ vecgamma+ vecdelta=b vecalpha, vecalphaa n d vecdelta` are non-colliner, then ` vecalpha+ vecbeta+ vecgamma+ vecdelta` equals a. `a vecalpha` b. `b vecdelta` c. `0` d. `(a+b) vecgamma`

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  17. In triangle `A B C ,/_A=30^0,H` is the orthocenter and `D` is the midpoint of `B Cdot` Segment `H D` is produced to `T` such that `H D=D Tdot` The length `A T` is equal to a. `2B C` b. `3B C` c. `4/2B C` d. none of these

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  18. If `P(`not `E) = 0.25`, what is the probability of `E`?

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  19. Given three non-zero, non-coplanar vectors `veca, vecb and vecc`. `vecr_1= pveca + qvecb+ vecc and vecr_2= veca + pvecb+ qvecc`. If the vectors `vecr_1 + 2vecr_2 and 2 vecr_1 + vecr_2` are collinear, then `(p, q)` is

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  20. If the vectors `vec a` and `vec b`are linearly independent and satisfying `(sqrt3tantheta+1)vec a + (sqrt3sectheta-2)vec b=vec 0`,then the most general values of `theta` are:

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  21. In a trapezium, vector ` vec B C=alpha vec A Ddot` We will then find that ` vec p= vec A C+ vec B D` is collinear with` vec A Ddot` If ` vec p=mu vec A D ,` then which of the following is true? a) `mu=alpha+2` b) `mu+alpha=2` c) `alpha=mu+1` d) `mu=alpha+1`

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  22. Vectors `veca = hati+2hatj+3hatk, vec b = 2hati-hatj+hatk and vecc= 3hati+hatj+4hatk` are so placed that the end point of one vector is the starting point of the next vector. Then the vectors are

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  23. Vectors ` vec a=-4 hat i+3 hat k ; vec b=14 hat i+2 hat j-5 hat k` are laid off from one point. Vector ` hat d` , which is being laid of from the same point dividing the angle between vectors ` vec aa n d vec b` in equal halves and having the magnitude `sqrt(6),` is a. ` hat i+ hat j+2 hat k` b. ` hat i- hat j+2 hat k` c. ` hat i+ hat j-2 hat k` d. `2 hat i- hat j-2 hat k`

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  24. If `hati-3hatj+5hatk` bisects the angle between `hata and -hati+2hatj+2hatk`, where `hata` is a unit vector, then

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  25. If `4hati+ 7hatj+ 8hatk, 2hati+ 3hatj+ 4hatk and 2hati+ 5hatj+7hatk` are the position vectors of the vertices A, B and C, respectively, of triangle ABC, then the position vector of the point where the bisector of angle A meets BC is

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  26. If ` vec b` is a vector whose initial point divides thejoin of `5 hat ia n d5 hat j` in the ratio `k :1` and whose terminal point is the origin and `| vec b|lt=sqrt(37),t h e nk` lies in the interval a. `[-6,-1//6]` b. `(-oo,-6]uu[-1//6,oo)` c. `[0,6]` d. none of these

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  27. Find the value of `lambda` so that the points `P ,Q ,Ra n dS` on the sides `O A ,O B ,O Ca n dA B ,` respectively, of a regular tetrahedron `O A B C` are coplanar. It is given that `(O P)/(O A)=1/3,(O Q)/(O B)=1/2,(O R)/(O C)=1/3a n d(O S)/(A B)=lambdadot` a. `lambda=1/2` b. `lambda=-1` c. `lambda=0` d. for no value of`lambda`

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  28. `' I '` is the incentre of triangle `A B C` whose corresponding sides are `a , b ,c ,` rspectively. `a vec I A+b vec I B+c vec I C` is always equal to a. ` vec0` b. `(a+b+c) vec B C` c. `( vec a+ vec b+ vec c) vec A C` d. `(a+b+c) vec A B`

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  29. Let `x^2+3y^2=3` be the equation of an ellipse in the `x-y` plane. `Aa n dB` are two points whose position vectors are `-sqrt(3) hat ia n d-sqrt(3) hat i+2 hat kdot` Then the position vector of a point `P` on the ellipse such that `/_A P B=pi//4` is a. `+- hat j` b. `+-( hat i+ hat j)` c. `+- hat i` d. none of these

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  30. Locus of the point P, for which `vec(OP)` represents a vector with direction cosine `cos alpha = (1)/(2)` (where O is the origin) is

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  31. If `vec x` and `vec y` are two non-collinear vectors and ABC is a triangle with side lengths a,b and c satisfying (20a-15b)`vec x` + (15b-12c)`vec y` + (12c-20a)`vec x xx vec y=0` is:

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  32. A uni-modular tangent vector on the curve `x=t^2+2,y=4t-5,z=2t^2-6t=2` is a. `1/3(2 hat i+2 hat j+ hat k)` b. `1/3( hat i- hat j- hat k)` c. `1/6(2 hat i+ hat j+ hat k)` d. `2/3( hat i+ hat j+ hat k)`

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  33. If `vecx and vecy ` are two non-collinear vectors and a, b and c represent the sides of a `Delta ABC` satisfying `(a-b)vec x + (b-c)vecy+ (c-a)(vecxxx vecy) =0`, then `Delta ABC` is (where `vecx xx vecy` is perpendicular to the plane of `vecx and vecy`)

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  34. ` vec A` isa vector with direction cosines `cosalpha,cosbetaa n dcosgammadot` Assuming the `y-z` plane as a mirror, the directin cosines of the reflected image of ` vec A` in the plane are a. `cosalpha,cosbeta,cosgamma` b. `cosalpha,-cosbeta,cosgamma` c. `-cosalpha,cosbeta,cosgamma` d. `-cosalpha,-cosbeta,-cosgamma`

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Exercise (Single) questions and complete solutions for chapter INTRODUCTION TO VECTORS of CENGAGE of Class 12