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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples And Exercises of chapter VECTOR ALGEBRA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
MathematicsSolved Examples And Exercises
Number Of Questions100
Academic Year2023-24
  1. In a trapezium, vector ` vec B C=alpha vec A Ddot` We will then find that ` vec p= vec A C+ vec B D` is collinear with` vec A Ddot` If ` vec p=mu vec A D ,` then which of the following is true? a) `mu=alpha+2` b) `mu+alpha=2` c) `alpha=mu+1` d) `mu=alpha+1`

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  2. If the vectors ` vec aa n d vec b` are linearly idependent satisfying `(sqrt(3)tantheta+1 )veca+(sqrt(3)s e ctheta-2) vec b=0,` then the most general values of `theta` are a. `npi-pi/6, n in Z` b. `2npi+-(11pi)/6, n in Z` c. `npi+-pi/6, n in Z` d. `2npi+(11pi)/6, n in Z`

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  3. Given three non-zero, non-coplanar vectors ` vec a , vec b ,and vec c . vec r_1=p vec a+q vec b+ vec ca n d vec r_2= vec a+p vec b+q vec c dot` If the vectors ` vec r_1+2 vec r_2 and 2 vec r_1+ vec r_2` are collinear, then `(P ,q)` is a. `(0,0)` b. `(1,-1)` c. `(-1,1)` d. `(1,1)`

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  4. Let ` vec r_1, vec r_2, vec r_3, , vec r_n` be the position vectors of points `P_1,P_2, P_3 ,P_n` relative to the origin `Odot` If the vector equation `a_1 vec r_1+a_2 vec r_2++a_n vec r_n=0` hold, then a similar equation will also hold w.r.t. to any other origin provided a. `a_1+a_2+dot+a_n=n` b. `a_1+a_2+dot+a_n=1` c. `a_1+a_2+dot+a_n=0` d. `a_1=a_2=a_3dot+a_n=0`

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  5. Given three vectors ` vec a=6 hat i-3 hat j , vec b=2 hat i-6 hat ja n d vec c=-2 hat i+21 hat j` such that ` vecalpha= vec a+ vec b+ vec c` Then the resolution of the vector ` vecalpha` into components with respect to ` vec aa n d vec b` is given by a. `3 vec a-2 vec b` b. `3 vec b-2 vec a` c. `2 vec a-3 vec b` d. ` vec a-2 vec b`

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  6. Let us define the length of a vector `a hat i+b hat j+c hat ka s|a|+|b|+|c|dot` This definition coincides with the usual definition of length of a vector `a hat i+b hat j+c hat k` is and only if a. `a=b=c=0` b. any two of `a ,b ,a n dc` are zero c. any one of `a ,b ,a n dc` is zero d. `a+b+c=0`

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  7. Vectors ` vec a= hat i+2 hat j+3 hat k , vec b=2 hat i- hat j+ hat k` and `vec c=3 hat i+ hat j+4 hat k ,` are so placed that the end point of one vector is the starting point of the next vector. Then the vector are (A) not coplanar (B) coplanar but cannot form a triangle (C) coplanar and form a triangle (D) coplanar and can form a right angled triangle

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  8. The position vectors of the vertices `A ,B ,a n dC` of a triangle are ` hat i+ hat j , hat j+ hat ka n d hat i+ hat k` , respectively. Find the unite vector ` hat r` lying in the plane of `A B C` and perpendicular to `I A ,w h e r eI` is the incentre of the triangle.

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  9. A ship is sailing towards the north at a speed of 12.5 m/s. The current is taking it towards the east at the rate of 1 m/s and sailor is climbing a vertical pole on the ship at the rate of 0.5 m/s. Find the velocity of the sailor in space.

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  10. ABCD is a tetrahedron and O is any point. If the lines joining O to the vertices meet the opposite faces at `P, Q, R and S`, prove that `(OP)/(AP)+ (OQ)/(BQ) + (OR)/(CR) + (OS)/(DS)=1`.

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  11. A pyramid with vertex at point `P` has a regular hexagonal base `A B C D E F` , Positive vector of points A and B are `hat i and hat i + 2 hat j` The centre of base has the position vector ` hat i+ hat j+sqrt(3) hat kdot` Altitude drawn from `P` on the base meets the diagonal `A D` at point `Gdot` find the all possible position vectors of `Gdot` It is given that the volume of the pyramid is `6sqrt(3)` cubic units and `A P` is 5 units.

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  12. A straight line `L` cuts the lines `A B ,A Ca n dA D` of a parallelogram `A B C D` at points `B_1, C_1a n dD_1,` respectively. If `( vec A B)_1,lambda_1 vec A B ,( vec A D)_1=lambda_2 vec A Da n d( vec A C)_1=lambda_3 vec A C ,` then prove that `1/(lambda_3)=1/(lambda_1)+1/(lambda_2)` .

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  13. `A ,B ,Ca n dD` have position vectors ` vec a , vec b , vec ca n d vec d ,` respectively, such that ` vec a- vec b=2( vec d- vec c)dot` Then a. `A Ba n dC D` bisect each other b. `B Da n dA C` bisect each other c. `A Ba n dC D` trisect each other d. `B Da n dA C` trisect each other

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  14. If ` vec aa n d vec b` are two unit vectors and `theta` is the angle between them, then the unit vector along the angular bisector of ` vec a` and ` vec b` will be given by a. `( vec a- vec b)/(cos(theta//2))` b. `( vec a+ vec b)/(2cos(theta//2))` c. `( vec a- vec b)/(2cos(theta//2))` d. none of these

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  15. `A B C D` is a quadrilateral. `E` is the point of intersection of the line joining the midpoints of the opposite sides. If `O` is any point and ` vec O A+ vec O B+ vec O C+ vec O D=x vec O E ,t h e nx` is equal to a. `3` b. `9` c. `7` d. `4`

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  16. If vectors ` vec A B=-3 hat i+4 hat ka n d vec A C=5 hat i-2 hat j+4 hat k` are the sides of a`"Delta"A B C ,` then the length of the median through `Ai s` a. `sqrt(14)` b. `sqrt(18)` c. `sqrt(29)` d. `sqrt(5)`

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  17. `A B C D` parallelogram, and `A_1a n dB_1` are the midpoints of sides `B Ca n dC D ,` respectivley . If ` vec AA_1+ vec A B_1=lambda vec A C ,t h e nlambda` is equal to a. `1/2` b. `1` c. `3/2` d. `2` e. `2/3`

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  18. The position vectors of the points `Pa n dQ` with respect to the origin `O` are ` vec a= hat i+3 hat j-2 hat k` and ` vec b=3 hat i- hat j-2 hat k ,` respectively. If `M` is a point on `P Q ,` such that `O M` is the bisector of `angleP O Q ,` then ` vec O M` is a. `2( hat i- hat j+ hat k)` b. `2 hat i+ hat j-2 hat k` c. `2(- hat i+ hat j- hat k)` d. `2( hat i+ hat j+ hat k)`

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  19. If G is the centroid of a triangle ABC, prove that `vec(GA)+vec(GB)+vec(GC)=vec(0)`.

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  20. If `| vec a+ vec b|<| vec a- vec b|,` then the angle between ` vec aa n d vec b` can lie in the interval a. `(pi//2,pi//2)` b. `(0,pi)` c. `(pi//2,3pi//2)` d. `(0,2pi)`

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  21. `' I '` is the incentre of triangle `A B C` whose corresponding sides are `a , b ,c ,` rspectively. `a vec I A+b vec I B+c vec I C` is always equal to a. ` vec0` b. `(a+b+c) vec B C` c. `( vec a+ vec b+ vec c) vec A C` d. `(a+b+c) vec A B`

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  22. Let `x^2+3y^2=3` be the equation of an ellipse in the `x-y` plane. `Aa n dB` are two points whose position vectors are `-sqrt(3) hat ia n d-sqrt(3) hat i+2 hat kdot` Then the position vector of a point `P` on the ellipse such that `/_A P B=pi//4` is a. `+- hat j` b. `+-( hat i+ hat j)` c. `+- hat i` d. none of these

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  23. If ` vec xa n d vec y` are two non-collinear vectors and `A B C` isa triangle with side lengths `a ,b ,a n dc` satisfying `(20 a-15 b) vec x+(15b-12 c) vec y+(12 c-20 a)( vec xxx vec y)=0,` then triangle `A B C` is a. an acute-angled triangle b. an obtuse-angled triangle c. a right-angled triangle d. an isosceles triangle

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  24. If ` hat i-3 hat j+5 hat k` bisects the angle between ` hat aa n d- hat i+2 hat j+2 hat k ,w h e r e hat a` is a unit vector, then a. ` hat a=1/(105)(41 hat i+88 hat j-40 hat k)` b. ` hat a=1/(105)(41 hat i+88 hat j+40 hat k)` c. ` hat a=1/(105)(-41 hat i+88 hat j-40 hat k)` d. ` hat a=1/(105)(41 hat i-88 hat j-40 hat k)`

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  25. If `4 hat i+7 hat j+8 hat k ,2 hat i+3 hat j+24a n d2 hat i+5 hat j+7 hat k` are the position vectors of the vertices `A ,Ba n dC ,` respectively, of triangle `A B C` , then the position vecrtor of the point where the bisector of angle `A` meets `B C` is a. `2/3(-6 hat i-8 hat j- hat k)` b. `2/3(6 hat i+8 hat j+6 hat k)` c. `1/3(6 hat i+13 hat j+18 hat k)` d. `1/3(5 hat j+12 hat k)`

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  26. If ` vec b` is a vector whose initial point divides thejoin of `5 hat ia n d5 hat j` in the ratio `k :1` and whose terminal point is the origin and `| vec b|lt=sqrt(37),t h e nk` lies in the interval a. `[-6,-1//6]` b. `(-oo,-6]uu[-1//6,oo)` c. `[0,6]` d. none of these

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  27. Find the value of `lambda` so that the points `P ,Q ,R` and `S` on the sides `O A ,O B ,OC` and `A B ,` respectively, of a regular tetrahedron `O A B C` are coplanar. It is given that `(O P)/(O A)=1/3,(O Q)/(O B)=1/2,(O R)/(O C)=1/3` and `(O S)/(A B)=lambdadot` (A) `lambda=1/2` (B) `lambda=-1` (C) `lambda=0` (D) for no value of `lambda`

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  28. A uni-modular tangent vector on the curve `x=t^2+2,y=4t-5,z=2t^2-6t=2` is a. `1/3(2 hat i+2 hat j+ hat k)` b. `1/3( hat i- hat j- hat k)` c. `1/6(2 hat i+ hat j+ hat k)` d. `2/3( hat i+ hat j+ hat k)`

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  29. If ` vec xa n d vec y` are two non-collinear vectors and a, b, and c represent the sides of a ` A B C` satisfying `(a-b) vec x+(b-c) vec y+(c-a)( vec xxx vec y)=0,` then ` A B C` is (where ` vec xxx vec y` is perpendicular to the plane of `xa n dy` ) a. an acute-angled triangle b. an obtuse-angled triangle c. a right-angled triangle d. a scalene triangle

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  30. The position vectors of points `Aa n dB` w.r.t. the origin are ` vec a= hat i+3 hat j-2 hat k `, `vecb=3hat i+ hat j-2hatk` respectively. Determine vector ` vec O P` which bisects angle `A O B ,` where `P` is a point on `A Bdot`

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  31. What is the unit vector parallel to ` vec a=3 hat i+4 hat j-2 hat k` ? What vector should be added to ` vec a` so that the resultant is the unit vector ` hat i ?`

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  32.     ABCD  is a quadrilateral and  E  is the point of intersection of the lines joining the middle points of opposite side. Show that the resultant of            `vec (OA)        ,         vec(OB)        ,         vec(OC)         and         vec(OD)    `      = 4           ` vec(OE)`        ,  where  O  is any point.

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  33. `A B C D` is a parallelogram. If `La n dM` are the mid-points of `B Ca n dD C` respectively, then express ` vec A La n d vec A M` in terms of ` vec A Ba n d vec A D` . Also, prove that ` vec A L+ vec A M=3/2 vec A Cdot`

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  34. If ` vec a , vec b , vec ca n d vec d` are four vectors in three-dimensional space with the same initial point and such that `3 vec a-2 vec b+ vec c-2 vec d=0` , show that terminals `A ,B ,Ca n d D` of these vectors are coplanar. Find the point at which `A Ca n dB D` meet. Find the ratio in which `P` divides `A Ca n dB Ddot`

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  35. Find the vector of magnitude 3, bisecting the angle between the vectors ` vec a=2 hat i+ hat j- hat k` and ` vec b= hat i-2 hat j+ hat kdot`

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  36. If ` vec aa n d vec b` are two vectors of magnitude 1 inclined at `120^0` , then find the angle between ` vec ba n d vec b- vec adot`

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  37. If ` vec r_1, vec r_2, vec r_3` are the position vectors of the collinear points and scalar `p a n d q` exist such that ` vec r_3=p vec r_1+q vec r_2,` then show that `p+q=1.`

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  38. Show that the vectors `2 vec a- vec b+3 vec c , vec a+ vec b-2 vec ca n d vec a+ vec b-3 vec c` are non-coplanar vectors (where ` vec a , vec b , vec c` are non-coplanar vectors)

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  39. Let ` vec a , vec ba n d vec c` be three units vectors such that `2 vec a+4 vec b+5 vec c=0.` Then which of the following statement is true? a. ` vec a` is parallel to ` vec b` b. ` vec a` is perpendicular to ` vec b` c. ` vec a` is neither parallel nor perpendicular to ` vec b` d. none of these

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  40. Four non –zero vectors will always be a.  linearly dependent                 b. linearly independent c. either a or b                           d. none of these

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  41. A boat moves in still water with a velocity which is `k` times less than the river flow velocity. Find the angle to the stream direction at which the boat should be rowed to minimize drifting.

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  42. In a triangle `P Q R ,Sa n dT` are points on `Q Ra n dP R ,` respectively, such that `Q S=3S Ra n dP T=4T Rdot` Let `M` be the point of intersection of `P Sa n dQ Tdot` Determine the ratio `Q M : M T` using the vector method .

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  43. In a quadrilateral `P Q R S , vec P Q= vec a , vec Q R , vec b , vec S P= vec a- vec b ,M` is the midpoint of ` vec Q Ra n dX` is a point on `S M` such that `S X=4/5S Mdot` Prove that `P ,Xa n dR` are collinear.

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  44. If `D ,Ea n dF` are three points on the sides `B C ,C Aa n dA B ,` respectively, of a triangle `A B C` such that the `(B D)/(C D),(C E)/(A E),(A F)/(B F)=-1`

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  45. Sow that `x_1 hat i+y_1 hat j+z_1 hat k ,x_2 hat i+y_2 hat j+z_2 hat k ,a n dx_3 hat i+y_3 hat j+z_3 hat k ,` are non-coplanar if `|x_1|>|y_1|+|z_1|,|y_2|>|x_2|+|z_2|a n d|z_3|>|x_3|+|y_3|` .

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  46. The position vector of the points `Pa n dQ` are `5 hat i+7 hat j-2 hat k` and `-3 hat i+3 hat j+6 hat k` , respectively. Vector ` vec A=3 hat i- hat j+ hat k` passes through point `P` and vector ` vec B=-3 hat i+2 hat j+4 hat k` passes through point `Q` . A third vector `2 hat i+7 hat j-5 hat k` intersects vectors `Aa n dBdot` Find the position vectors of points of intersection.

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  47. Consider the vectors ` hat i+cos(beta-alpha) hat j+cos(gamma-alpha) hat k ,cos(alpha-beta) hat i+ hat j+"cos"(gamma-beta) hat ka n dcos(alpha-gamma) hat i+cos(beta-gamma) hat k+a hat k `where `alpha,beta`, and `gamma` are different angles. If these vectors are coplanar, show that `a` is independent of `alpha,beta` and `gamma`

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  48. If ` vec An d vec B` are two vectors and `k` any scalar quantity greater than zero, then prove that `| vec A+ vec B|^2lt=(1+k)| vec A|^2+(1+1/k)| vec B|^2dot`

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  49. The vectors `x hat i+(x+1) hat j+(x+2) hat k ,(x+3) hat i+(x+4) hat j+(x+5) hat k a n d(x+6) hat i+(x+7) hat j+(x+8) hat k` are coplanar if `x` is equal to a. `1` b. `-3` c. `4` d. `0`

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  50. ` vec A` isa vector with direction cosines `cosalpha,cosbetaa n dcosgammadot` Assuming the `y-z` plane as a mirror, the directin cosines of the reflected image of ` vec A` in the plane are a. `cosalpha,cosbeta,cosgamma` b. `cosalpha,-cosbeta,cosgamma` c. `-cosalpha,cosbeta,cosgamma` d. `-cosalpha,-cosbeta,-cosgamma`

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  51. The vector ` vec a` has the components `2p` and 1 w.r.t. a rectangular Cartesian system. This system is rotated through a certain angel about the origin in the counterclockwise sense. If, with respect to a new system, ` vec a` has components `(p+1)a n d1` , then `p` is equal to a. `-4` b. `-1//3` c. `1` d. `2`

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  52. The sides of a parallelogram are `2 hat i+4 hat j-5 hat k` and ` hat i+2 hat j+3 hat k` . The unit vector parallel to one of the diagonals is a. `1/7(3 hat i+6 hat j-2 hat k)` b. `1/7(3 hat i-6 hat j-2 hat k)` c. `1/(sqrt(69))( hat i+6 hat j+8 hat k)` d. `1/(sqrt(69))(- hat i-2 hat j+8 hat k)`

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  53. If ` vec a , vec b , vec c` are non-coplanar vector and `lambda` is a real number, then the vectors ` vec a+2 vec b+3 vec c ,lambda vec b+mu vec ca n d(2lambda-1) vec c` are coplanar when a. `mu in R` b. `lambda=1/2` c. `lambda=0` d. no value of `lambda`

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  54. If points ` hat i+ hat j , hat i- hat ja n dp hat i+q hat j+r hat k` are collinear, then a. `p=1` b. `r=0` c. `q R` d. `q!=1`

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  55. If the vectors ` hat i- hat j , hat j+ hat ka n d vec a` form a triangle, then ` vec a` may be a. `- hat i- hat k` b. ` hat i-2 hat j- hat k` c. `2 hat i+ hat j+ hat k` d. ` hat i+ hat k`

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  56. If the resultant of three forces ` vec F_1=p hat i+3 hat j- hat k , vec F_2=6 hat i- hat ka n d vec F_3=-5 hat i+ hat j+2 hat k` acting on a parricle has magnitude equal to 5 units, then the value of `p` is a. `-6` b. `-4` c. `2` d. `4`

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  57. ` vec a , vec b , vec c` are three coplanar unit vectors such that ` vec a+ vec b+ vec c=0.` If three vectors ` vec p , vec q ,a n d vec r` are parallel to ` vec a , vec b ,a n d vec c ,` respectively, and have integral but different magnitudes, then among the following options, `| vec p+ vec q+ vec r|` can take a value equal to a. `1` b. `0` c. `sqrt(3)` d. `2`

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  58. The vector ` hat i+x hat j+3 hat k` is rotated through an angle `theta` and doubled in magnitude, then it becomes `4 hat i+(4x-2)dot hat j+2 hat k` . Then value of `x` are `-2/3` (b) `1/3` (c) `2/3` (d) 2

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  59. Prove that point ` hat i` +2` hat j` - 3` hat k` ,2` hat i` - ` hat j` + ` hat k` and 2` hat i` + 5` hat j` - ` hat k` from a triangle in space.

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  60. Show that the points A, B and C with position vectors `vec a = 3 hat i - 4 hat j - 4 hat k`, `vec b = 2 hat i - hat j + hat k` and `vec c = hat i - 3 hat j - 5 hat k`, respectively form the vertices of a right angled triangle.

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  61. If 2` vec A C` = 3` vec C B` , then prove that 2` vec O A` =3` vec C B` then prove that 2` vec O A` + 3` vec O B` =5` vec O C` where `O` is the origin.

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  62. Find the unit vector in the direction of vector `vec(PQ)`, where P and Q are the points (1, 2, 3) and (4, 5, 6) respectively.

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  63. For given vectors `vec a = 2 hat i - hat j + 2 hat k` and `vec b = - hat i + hat j - hat k`, find the unit vector in the direction of the vector `vec a + vec b`.

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  64. If the projections of vector ` vec a` on `x` -, `y` - and `z` -axes are 2, 1 and 2 units ,respectively, find the angle at which vector ` vec a` is inclined to the `z` -axis.

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  65. Find a vector in the direction of the vector `5 hat i + hat j - 2 hatk` which has magnitude 6 units.

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  66. If `vec a, vec b, vec c, vec d` respectively are the position vectors representing the vertices A, B, C, D of a parallelogram then write `vec d` in terms of `vec a, vec b` and `vec c`

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  67. Show that the four points (6,-7,0),(16,-19,-4),(0,3,-6),(2,-5,10) lie on a same plane.

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  68. Statement 1: The direction cosines of one of the angular bisectors of two intersecting line having direction cosines as `l_1,m_1, n_1a n dl_2, m_2, n_2` are proportional to `l_1+l_2,m_1+m_2, n_1+n_2`
    Statement 2: The angle between the two intersection lines having direction cosines as `l_1,m_1, n_1a n dl_2, m_2, n_2` is given by `costheta=l_1l_2+m_1m_2+n_1n_2`
    (a) Statement 1 and Statement 2, both are correct. Statement 2 is the correct explanation for Statement 1.
    (a) Statement 1 and Statement 2, both are correct. Statement 2 is not the correct explanation for Statement 1.
    (c) Statement 1 is correct but Statement 2 is not correct.
    (d) Statement 2 is correct but Statement 1 is not correct.

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  69. Statement 1: In `"Delta"A B C , vec A B+ vec BC+ vec C A=0` Statement 2: If ` vec O A= vec a , vec O B= vec b ,t h e n vec A B= vec a+ vec b`

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  70. Statement 1: If ` vec ua n d vec v` are unit vectors inclined at an angle `alphaa n d vec x` is a unit vector bisecting the angle between them, then ` vec x=( vec u+ vec v)//(2sin(alpha//2)dot` Statement 2: If `"Delta"A B C` is an isosceles triangle with `A B=A C=1,` then the vector representing the bisector of angel `A` is given by ` vec A D=( vec A B+ vec A C)//2.`

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  71. A vector has components `p` and 1 with respect to a rectangular Cartesian system. The axes are rotted through an angel `alpha`about the origin the anticlockwise sense. Statement 1: IF the vector has component `p+2`and 1 with respect to the new system, then `p=-1.` Statement 2: Magnitude of the original vector and new vector remains the same.

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  72. Let `A B C` be a triangle, the position vectors of whose vertices are `7 hat j+10 hat k ,- hat i+6 hat j+6 hat ka n d-4 hat i+9 hat j+6 hat kdotT h e n"Delta"A B C` is a. isosceles b. equilateral c. right angled d. none of these

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  73. If non-zero vectors ` vec aa n d vec b` are equally inclined to coplanar vector ` vec c ,t h e n vec c` can be a. `(| vec a|)/(| vec a|+2| vec b|)a+(| vec b|)/(| vec a|+| vec b|) vec b` b. `(| vec b|)/(| vec a|+| vec b|)a+(| vec a|)/(| vec a|+| vec b|) vec b` c. `(| vec a|)/(| vec a|+2| vec b|)a+(| vec b|)/(| vec a|+2| vec b|) vec b` d. `(| vec b|)/(2| vec a|+| vec b|)a+(| vec a|)/(2| vec a|+| vec b|) vec b`

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  74. If `A(-4,0,3)a n dB(14 ,2,-5),` then which one of the following points lie on the bisector of the angle between ` vec O Aa n d vec O B(O` is the origin of reference )? a. `(2,2,4)` b. `(2, 11 ,5)` c. `(-3,-3,-6)` d. `(1,1,2)`

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  75. Prove that the sum of three vectors determined by the medians of a triangle directed from the vertices is zero.

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  76. Prove that the resultant of two forces acting at point O and represented by ` vec O B` and ` vec O C` is given by 2` vec O D` ,where D is the midpoint of BC.

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  77. Two forces ` vec A B` and ` vec A D` are acting at vertex A of a quadrilateral ABCD and two forces ` vec C B` and ` vec C D` at C prove that their resultant is given by 4` vec E F` , where E and F are the midpoints of AC and BD, respectively.

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  78. ABC is a triangle and P any point on BC. if ` vec P Q` is the sum of ` vec A P` + ` vec P B` +` vec P C` , show that ABPQ is a parallelogram and Q , therefore , is a fixed point.

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  79. If vector ` vec a+ vec b` bisects the angle between ` vec a` and ` vec b` , then prove that `| vec a|` = `| vec b|` .

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  80. ABCDE is a pentagon .prove that the resultant of force ` vec A B ,` ` vec A E` ,` vec B C` ,` vec D C` ,` vec E D` and ` vec A C` ,is 3` vec A C` .

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  81. if ` vec Ao` + ` vec O B` = ` vec B O` + ` vec O C` ,than prove that B is the midpoint of AC.

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  82. If the resultant of three forces ` vec F_1=p hat i+3 hat j- hat k , vec F_2=6 hat i- hat ka n d vec F_3=-5 hat i+ hat j+2 hat k` acting on a parricle has magnitude equal to 5 units, then the value of `p` is a. `-6` b. `-4` c. `2` d. `4`

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  83. Statement 1: Let ` vec a , vec b , vec ca n d vec d` be the position vectors of four points `A ,B ,Ca n dD` and `3 vec a-2 vec b+5 vec c-6 vec d=0.` Then points `A ,B ,C ,a n dD` are coplanar. Statement 2: Three non-zero, linearly dependent coinitial vector `( vec P Q , vec P Ra n d vec P S)` are coplanar. Then ` vec P Q=lambda vec P R+mu vec P S ,w h e r elambdaa n dmu` are scalars.

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  84. Statement 1:Let `A( vec a),B( vec b)a n dC( vec c)` be three points such that ` vec a=2 hat i+ hat k , vec b=3 hat i- hat j+3 hat ka n d vec c=- hat i+7 hat j-5 hat kdot` Then `O A B C` is a tetrahedron. Statement 2: Let `A( vec a),B( vec b)a n dC( vec c)` be three points such that vectors ` vec a , vec ba n d vec c` are non-coplanar. Then `O A B C` is a tetrahedron where `O` is the origin.

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  85. Statement 1: ` vec a=3 vec i+p vec j+3 vec k` and ` vec b=2 vec i+3 vec j+q vec k` are parallel vectors if `p=9//2a n dq=2.` Statement 2: if ` vec a=a_1 vec i+a_2 vec j+a_3 vec ka n d vec b=b_1 vec i+b_2 vec j+b_3 vec k` are parallel, then `(a_1)/(b_1)=(a_2)/(b_2)=(a_3)/(b_3)dot`

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  86. The position vectors of the vertices `A ,Ba n dC` of a triangle are three unit vectors ` vec a , vec b ,a n d vec c ,` respectively. A vector ` vec d` is such that ` vecd dot vec a= vecd dot vec b= vec d dot vec ca n d vec d=lambda( vec b+ vec c)dot` Then triangle `A B C` is a. acute angled b. obtuse angled c. right angled d. none of these

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  87. `a and b` form the consecutive sides of a regular hexagon `A B C D E Fdot` Column I, Column II If ` vec C D=x vec a+y vec b ,` then, p. `x=-2` If ` vec C E=x vec a+y vec b ,` then, q.`x=-1` If ` vec A E=x vec a+y vec b ,` then, r. `y=1` ` vec A D=-x vec b ,` then, s.`y=2`

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  88. Statement 1: `| vec a|=3,| vec b|= 4 a n d | vec a+ vec b|=5,t h e n| vec a- vec b|=5.` Statement 2: The length of the diagonals of a rectangle is the same.

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  89. If ` vec a=7 hat i-4 hat ka n d vec b=-2 hat i- hat j+2 hat k ,` determine vector ` vec c` along the internal bisector of the angle between of the angle between vectors ` vec aa n d vec bs u c ht h a t| vec c|` =5`sqrt(6)`

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  90. Find a unit vector `vec c` if `vec -i+vec j-vec k` bisects the angle between `vec c and 3 vec i+4vec j`.

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  91. The vectors `2i+3 hat j ,5 hat i+6 hat j` and 8` hat i+lambda hat j` have initial points at (1, 1). Find the value of `lambda` so that the vectors terminate on one straight line.

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  92. If ` vec a , vec ba n d vec c` are three non-zero vectors, no two of which ar collinear, ` vec a+2 vec b` is collinear with `vec c` and ` vec b+3 vec c` is collinear with ` vec a ,` then find the value of `| vec a+2 vec b+6 vec c|dot`

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  93. Check whether the given three vectors are coplanar or non-coplanar. `-2 hat i-2 hat j+4 hat k ,-2 hat i+4 hat j ,4 hat i-2 hat j-2 hat k`

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  94. Prove that the four points `6 hat i-7 hat j ,16 hat i-19 hat j-4 hat k ,3 hat j-6 hat ka n d2 hat i+5 hat j+10 hat5` form a tetrahedron in space.

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  95. If ` vec aa n d vec b` are two non-collinear vectors, show that points `l_1 vec a+m_1 vec b ,l_2 vec a+m_2 vec b` and `l_3 vec a+m_3 vec b` are collinear if `|l_1l_2l_3m_1m_2m_3 1 1 1|=0.`

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  96. Show, by vector methods, that the angularbisectors of a triangle are concurrent and find an expression for the position vector of the point of concurrency in terms of the position vectors of the vertices.

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  97. Find the least positive integral value of `x` for which the angel between vectors ` vec a=x hat i-3 hat j- hat k` and ` vec b=2x hat i+x hat j- hat k` is acute.

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  98. If vectors ` vec a= hat i+2 hat j- hat k , vec b=2 hat i- hat j+ hat ka n d vec c="lambda" hat"i"+ hat"j"+2 hat"k"` are coplanar, then find the value of `(lambda-4)dot`

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  99. Find the values of `lambda` such that `x ,y ,z!=(0,0,0)a n d( hat i+ hat j+3 hat k)x+(3 hat i-3 hat j+ hat k)y+(-4 hat i+5 hat j)z=lambda(x hat i+y hat j+z hat k)`, where `hat i , hat j , hat k` are unit vector along coordinate axes.

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  100. A vector has component `A_1, A_2a n dA_3` in a right -handed rectangular Cartesian coordinate system `O X Y Zdot` The coordinate system is rotated about the x-axis through an angel `pi//2` . Find the component of `A` in the new coordinate system in terms of `A_1, A_2, a n dA_3dot`

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Solved Examples And Exercises questions and complete solutions for chapter VECTOR ALGEBRA of CENGAGE of Class 12

All Exercises from Mathematics Class 12 MATHS VECTOR ALGEBRA