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Complete Solutions to Solved Examples of chapter APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Class 12MATHS
Number Of Questions47
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Find the rate of change of area of a circle with respect to its radius 'r' when r=7cm.

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  2. The side of a cube is increasing at a rate of 4 cm/sec. Find the rate of change of the volume of the cube when its side is 5 cm.

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  3. A stone is dropped in a quiet lake. If the produced circular waves increase at a rate of 4 cm/sec, then find the rate of increase in its area when the redius of circular wave is 7 cm.

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  4. In a cylindrical tank, rice is increasing at a rate of ` 314 m^(3)//hr`. Find the rate of increase of the height of the rice in cylindrical tank when the radius of the base of tank is 5 m.

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  5. Find a point on the curve `y^(2)=2x` at which the abscissa and ordinates are increasing at the same rate.

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  6. A ladder 13 m long is leaning against a wall. The bottom of the ladder is pulled along the ground away from the wall at the rate of 4 m/sec. Find the rate of decreasing at which the top of the ladder moving downwards on wall when the foot of the ladder is 5 m away from the wall.

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  7. A man of height 1.7 m walks at a uniform speed of 6.6 m/min from a lamp post which is 5m high.Find the rate at which the length of his shadow increases.

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  8. Show that the function f(x) = 2x+1 is strictly increasing on R.

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  9. Prove that f (x) = `e^(3x)` is strictly increasing function on R.

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  10. Show that the function f(x) = x -sin x is an increasing function `forall x in R`.

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  11. Show that the function f(x) = 3 - 2x is strictly decreasing function on R.

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  12. Show that the function f(x)= ` x^(3) - 3x^(2)+3x - 1 ` is an increasing function on R.

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  13. Find the intervals in which the function f(x) = `2x^(3)-15x^(2)+36x + 6` is (i) increasing, (ii) decreasing.

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  14. Find the intervals in which f(x) = sin 3x, `x in [0,pi/2]` is (i) increasing, (ii) decreasing.

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  15. Find the intervals in which function f(x) = `sin x-cos x, 0 lt x lt 2pi ` is (i) increasing, (ii) decreasing.

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  16. Using differentials, find the approximate value of `root(3)127`.

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  17. Using differentials, find the approximate value of ` sqrt(0.037)`.

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  18. Using differentials, find the approximate value of `log_(10)10.1` when `log_(10)e=0.4343`.

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  19. Find the approximate value of `f(3.01)` when
    y = `f(x) = x^(2)+3x+1`.

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  20. Find the approximate percentage increase in a cube of side x metre if the percentage increase in its side is 1%.

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  21. The time period 'T' of a simple pendulum of length 'l' is given by T = `2pisqrt(l/g)`.Find the percentage error in the value of 'T' if the percentage error in the value of 'l' is 2%.

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  22. In `Delta ABC`, the side c and angle C are constant. If there are small changes in the remaining sides and angles, then show that
    `(da)/(cos A) +(db)/(cos B)= 0`.

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  23. Find the solpe of tangent at point (1, 1) of the curve `x^(2)= y`.

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  24. Find the inclination from X - axis of the tangent at point (a, 2a) of the curve `y^(2) = 4ax`.

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  25. Find the equation of tangent of the curve `6y=9-3x^(2)` at point (1,1).

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  26. Find the equation of tangent of tangent of the curve y = `b * e^(-x//a)` at that point at which the curve meets the Y-axis.

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  27. Find the equation of tangent of the curve `x=at^(2), y = 2at` at point `t`.

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  28. Find the point on the curve `y=x^(2)+1` at which the tangent drawn makes an angle of `45^(@)` from X-axis.

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  29. Find the equation of tangent of the curve `yx^(2)+x^(2)-5x+6=0` at that point at which curve crosses the X-axis.

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  30. Find a point on the curve `y=3x^(2)-2x - 4 ` at which the tangent is parallel to the line `10x-y+7=0`.

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  31. Find the angle of intersection of the curves `2y^(2) = x^(3) and 32x`.

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  32. Prove that the curves `y=x^(3) and xy-k` cut each other orthogonally, if 3k= 1.

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  33. Find the equation of normal at point (a, a) of the curve xy = `a^(2)`.

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  34. Find the equation of normal to the curve `x=cos theta, y = sin theta" at point "theta = pi/4*`

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  35. If a normal of curve `x^(2//3)+y^(2//3)=a^(2//3)` makes an angle `phi` from `X`-axis then show that its equation is `y cos phi -x sin phi = a cos 2phi` .

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  36. Find the value of x for which the function `(x^(3) - 3x + 4) `is maximum or minimum.

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  37. Find the maximum or minimum values of the function `y=x+1/x for xgt0`.

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  38. Find the maximum value of the function `f(x) =sin x + cos x`.

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  39. Find the minimum value of the function `x^(x)`.

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  40. If x lies in first quadrant, find the maximum or minimum values of the function `4 sin x+3 cos x`.

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  41. If the function `x^(2)-2kx + 3` is minimum at x=3 then find the value of k.

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  42. Find two number whose sum is 8 and the sum of their cubes is minimum.

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  43. The sum of two number is constant. Show that their product will be maximum if each number is half of their sum.

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  44. The perimeter of a rectangle is 40 cm. Find the dimensions of the rectangle if its area is maximum.

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  45. If the sum of a side and hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is given then show that area of triangle will be maximum when the angle between side and the hypotenuse is `pi//3`.

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  46. Prove that the height of a cylinder of maximum volume, inscribed in a sphere of radius 'a' is `2a//sqrt3`.

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  47. Prove that the cylinder inscribed in a right circular cone has maximum curved surface area if the radius of cylinder is half the radius of cone.

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Solved Examples questions and complete solutions for chapter APPLICATIONS OF DERIVATIVES of NAGEEN MATHS (HINGLISH) of Class 12