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Complete Solutions to MCQ of chapter ANCIENT INDIA of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions51
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which one of the following dynasties was associated with Gandhara school of Art?

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  2. Where did Gautam Buddha give his first sermon?

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  3. Mushika Vamsha' written by Atula in the eleventh century give an account of the dynasty which ruled a part of a modern indian sate. Which sate is this?

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  4. Which of the following rulers cheeked Harshavardhana's expediton in South india?

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  5. Among the following who was the earliest visitor to india?

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  6. Kalhana's well-known work 'rajatarangini'is an important source material for the study of which one of the following?

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  7. The king pulakesin II belonged to which Dynasty?

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  8. Which one of the following chronological orders of the given dynasties of india is correct?

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  9. Who of the following was a contemporary of Alexander, the Great?

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  10. Gutam Buddha delivered his sermon at which one of the following place?

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  11. which one of the following is the correct chronological order of the given rulers of ancient indian ?

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  12. Who of the following is a contemporay of Gautama Buddha?

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  13. Who amcng the following was a contemporary of Gauam Buddha?

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  14. Where did Buddha attain Parinirvana?

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  15. Which one of the following statements about chandragupta II is not correct?

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  16. Which one of the following was the official langage of Gupta period?

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  17. The notion of saptanga that was introduced in Arthashastra incluedes

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  21. Consider the following statements
    The Buddhists in Deccan excavate and jainas imitated these in later centuries.
    The vaishnavas, Shaivas and jainas excavated temple at sites far distant from rock-cut Chaityas.
    Which of the statements given above is`//`are correct?

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  22. which one among the following statements is not correct?

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  23. which one among the following is not the characteristic feature of the Harappan settlement?

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  24. which one among the following is not true with regard to Rin veda Samhita?

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  25. Which of the following statements relating of the Government of india Act of 1935 are correct?
    It introduced provincial autonomy.
    It proposed a federation of india.
    It proposed for the establishment of a Federal court.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  26. The themes of murals of the Ajanta caves are
    Decorative designs which include a variety of animals, trees and flowers.
    portaits of various Buddhas and Bodhiysattvas.
    Narrative scenes portraying jataka stories.
    Select the correct answer using the code given below:

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  27. The terra-cotta ploug of the Harappan civilizatinon was found at

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  28. Consider the following staements relating to jain literature:
    The sacred books of the jainas are known as siddanta or Agama.
    The language of the earliest jain texts is eastern dialect of pali known as Ardha Magadhi. Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  29. Which one among the following cities was the best producer of silk cloth under Gupta reign?

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  30. Which one among the following is not correct about the cave paintings at Ajanta?

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  31. The greatest stylistic forms of temple architecture during the early medieval period were the Nagara , the Dravida and the Vesara ,. Which of the following was the geographical spread of the Dravida style ?
    (a) Between Vindhyan and Krishna river
    (b ) Between Krishna and Kaveri rivers
    ( c) Between Vindhyan and Kaveri river
    (d ) Between Godavari and Krishna rivers

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  32. Statement I :
    The first coins to bear the names and images of rulers were issued by the Kushanas .
    Statement II :
    The first gold coins aere issued by the Kushanas.

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  33. Who among the following was associated with the formulation of the basic ideas of the Mahayana Buddhism?

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  34. Consider the following statements about Harappan culture:
    The harappan culture matured in sind and punjab.
    it spread from there to southwards and Eastwards
    The area, where it spread was, bigger than Egypt and Mesopotamia.
    Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

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  35. Megasthens was a

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  36. Which one of the following is the correct sequence of appearance of the poet-saints of the Bhakti-sufi tradition?

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  37. Harappan crafrts display an amazing degree of standardization.According to Kenoyer, what was the possible reason for such an achievement?

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  38. Consider the following statements about Ashokan rock edicts:
    Major Rock Edict xiii records Ashko's visit remorse at the sufferings caused by his kalings campaign.
    Major Rock Edict x records Ashoka's visit to Lumbini.
    Major Rock Edict xii refers to Dhamma Mahamattas as a new category of officers instiuted by Ashoka.
    Major Rock Edict xii speaks about showing tolerance towards all sects.
    which of the statements given above are correct?

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  39. which one of the following is the common element among Rajagriha, Vaishali and pataliputra?

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  40. which one among the following sects was associted with Gosala Maskariputra?

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  41. Match List with List II and select the correct answer using the code goiven below the Lists:

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  42. Consider the following statement about Rashtrakuta kings :
    1. They were ardent of Shaivism and did not support other forms of religion.
    2 They promoted only Sanskrit scholars and gave them large grants .
    Which of the statements given above is `//` are correct

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  43. Consider the following statements :
    1 The Arthashastra is the first Indian text to define a State.
    2 The main concerns of the Arthashastra are theoretical issues like the origins of the state.
    Which of the statements given above is `//` are correct ?

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  44. Consider the following statements :
    1 Periplus is a Greek word meaning sailting around.
    2 Erythraean was the Greek name for the Mediterranean Sea.
    Which of the Statements given above is `//` are correct

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  45. Consider the following statement about the Nagara style of temple architecture :
    1 This style of temple are commonly found in the areas between Himalayas and Vindhyas.
    2 The most striking feature of this style is its pyramidal shikhara.
    Which of the statements given above is`//`are correct

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  46. Ashoka's connection with Buddhism is evident from which one of the following edicts ?

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  47. In the Mesopotamian records which one of the following terms was used for the Indus Vallely (Harappans) ?

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  48. Which of the following is `//` are NOT historical biography`//`biographies ?
    1. Dipavamsa 2. Harshacharita
    3. Vikramankadevacharita 4. Prithvirajavijiaya
    Select the correct answer from the code given below :

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  49. Which of the following clans are included in the Agnikula Rajputs ?
    1. Pratiharas 2. Chaulukyas
    3. Paramaras 4. Chahamanas
    Select the correct answer from the code given below :

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  50. Which one of the following rivers was earlier known as "Vitasta" ?

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  51. In the Manusmriti which form of marriage results from the "Voluntary union of a maiden and her lover " ?

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MCQ questions and complete solutions for chapter ANCIENT INDIA of NDA PREVIOUS YEARS of Class 12