382 473 568 728 847 629 If 382 is written as 238 473 as 347 and so on then which of the following two numbers will have least difference between them?
1 473 & 382
2 629 & 728
3 629 & 847
4 728 & 847
Answer : 4. "728 & 847" Explanation :Answer: D) 728 & 847 Explanation: The g
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These questions are based on the following Six numbers:
382 473 568 728 847 629
If 382 is written as 238, 473 as 347 and so on, then which of the following two numbers will have least difference between them?
1)473 & 382
2) 629 & 728
3) 568 & 728
4) 728 & 847
5) 629 & 847
View SolutionThese questions are based on the following Six numbers: 382 473 568 728 847 629 If the first digit of each number are interchanged and one is added to the second digit of each number then which of the following pairs of numbers will have highest total of their numerical value? 1)847 & 629 2) 568 & 728 3)728 & 847 4) 568 & 847 5) 629 & 473
View SolutionThese questions are based on the following Six numbers:
382 473 568 728 847 629
If one is added to the second digit of each number and one is substracted from the third digit of each number and then if the first and third digits of each number are interchanged, then which number will be the lowest?
1) 473
2) 568
3) 382
4) 847
5) None of these
View SolutionThese questions are based on the following Six numbers:
382 473 568 728 847 629
If the first digit of each number replaces the third digit of that number, third digit replaces the second digit and the second digit and the second digit replaces the first digit, and then the number thus formed are arranged in the descending order, then which number will be the third?
1) 568
2) 382
3) 473
4) 847
5) None of these
View SolutionThese questions are based on the following set of numbers.
389 476 635 847 568
The sum of the digits of which of the above numbers is the least?
1) 389
2) 476
3) 635
4) 847
View Solutionनिम्नलिखित में रिक्त स्थानों में ऐसा अंक लिखिए, जिससे संख्याएँ 11 से विभाज्य हो जाए।
84 .. 473
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264, 396, 473, 583, ?
View SolutionThese questions are based on the following set of numbers. 389 476 635 847 568 If in all the numbers first two digits are interchanged and then the numbers are arranged in ascending order, which number will be the second? 1) 389 2) 476 (3) 635 4) 847 5)568
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Ion reduces ions
Given , and .
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436, 382, 337, 238, ____
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