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A steel ball of diameter 3 mm falls through glycerine and covers a distance of 25 cm in 10S. The specific gravity of steel and glycerine are 7.8 and 1.26 respectively. The viscosity of glycerine is about........ pascal-sec A 1.3 B 1.5 C 0.8 D 1.0

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The correct option is  A 1.3.Explanation:Given: r = 3/2 mm = 1.5 × 10–3 m Vt = {25 cm / 10 sec} = {25 × 10–2 / 10} m/s = 25 × 10–3 m/s Specific gravity for steel = 7.8 Specific gravity of glycerine = 1.26 ∴ ρ = 7.8 × 103 kg/m3 σ = 1.26 × 103 kg/m3 As η = 2/9r2 [{ρ – σg} / Vt] ∴ η = 2/9 × [{1.5 × 10–32 × 7.8 – 1.26 × 103 × 10} / {25 × 10–3}] η = 1.30 pascal-sec

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