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a Derive an expression for the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor C charged to a potential difference V. b Obtain the equivalent capacitance of the network given below. For a supply of 300V determine the charge and voltage across C4 .

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a When a capacitor is charged by a battery work is done by the charging battery at the expense of its chemical energy. This work is stored in the capacitor in the form of electrostatic potential energy. Consider a capacitor of capacitance C. Initial charge on capacitor is zero. Initial potential difference between capacitor plates = zero. Let a charge Q be given to it in small steps. When charge is given to capacitor the potential difference between its plates increases. Let at any instant when charge on capacitor be q the potential difference between its plates V = q/c Now work done in giving an additional infinitesimal charge dq to capacitorThe total work done in giving charge from 0 to Q will be equal to the sum of all such infinitesimal works which may be obtained by integration. Therefore total workIf V is the final potential difference between capacitor plates then Q =CVThis work is stored as electrostatic potential energy of capacitor i.e. Electrostatic potential energy

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