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Solve d2y/dx2 + y = tan x by the method of variation of parameters.

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Rewrite the given equation as D2 + 1y = tanxHere A.E D2 + 1 = 0 or D = ±iThus yC.F.x = c1y1 + c2y2 = c1cosx + c2 sinxAssume yP.I.x = u1x y1 + u2x y2 = u1cosx + u2 sinxBy method of variation of parameter we haveOn integration u1x = ∫-sin xtanxdx = -∫sin xsinx/cos2 x - 1/cos x  dx= ∫cos x - sec xdx = sinx - logsec x + tan xand u1x = ∫cos xtan xdx = ∫sin xdx = -cos xWhence yP.I. x = cosx[sinx - logsec x + tan x] + sin x-cos x= -cosx logsec x + tan xAnd therefore the complete solution becomes y = c1cosx + c2sinx - cosx logsec x + tan x

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