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An organisation will have to look into three situations while framing the production plan. Explain these three situations.

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The three situations involved in production plan are:a  No manufacturing involved: If the new venture does not include any manufacturing function say it’s a trading firm or a service provider then this section will stand eliminated from the plan. b  Partial manufacturing: If some or all the manufacturing process is to be subcontracted or outsourced then the production plan should describe: i   Name and location of subcontractors ii   Reasons for their selection iii  Cost and time involved iv  Any contracts that have been completed etc. In such cases a clear mention of what entrepreneur intends to do himself and what he plans to get it done from outside is required.c. Complete Manufacturing: If the manufacturing is to be carried out in whole by the entrepreneur he/she will need to describei  the physical plant layout ii  the machinery and equipment required to perform the manufacturing operations iii  raw materials and suppliers names addresses terms and conditions  iv  cost of manufacturing v  any future capital equipment required etc.

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