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Explain how you evaluate power transmitted by the belt.

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Let T1 = Tension in the tight side of the belt  T2 = Tension in the slack side of the belt  V = Velocity of the belt in m/sec. = πDN/60 m/sec D is in meter and N is in RPM P = Maximum power transmitted by belt drive The effective tension or force acting at the circumference of the driven pulley is the difference between the two tensions i.e. T1 – T2Effective driving force = T1–T2Work done per second = Force X Velocity= F X V N.m= T1–T2X V N.m Power Transmitted = T1–T2.V/1000 KwHere T1 & T2 are in newton and V is in m/secNote:1. Torque exerted on the driving pulley = T1–T2.RWhere R1 = radius of driving pulley2. Torque exerted on the driven pulley = T1–T2.R2Where R2 = radius of driven pulley.

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