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The pressure A. Drop along large veins is similar to that along large arteries. B. Drop across the hepatic portal bed is similar to that across the splenic vascular bed. C. In the hepatic portal vein exceeds that in the inferior vena cava. D. Drop across the vascular bed in the foot is greater when a subject is in the vertical than when he is in the horizontal position.E. In foot veins is lower when walking than when standing still.

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A. True About 10 mmHg or less; both offer little resistance to flow. B. False The drop across the splenic vascular bed about 60 mmHg is much larger; the hepatic portal bed offers little resistance to flow. C. True Otherwise blood would not flow through the portal bed. D. False Changing from the horizontal to the vertical position increases arterial and venous pressures equally. E. True The muscle pump in the leg decreases venous pressure.