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Pulmonary vascular resistance is A. Less than one-third that offered by the systemic circuit. B. Decreased when alveolar oxygen pressure falls. C. Expressed in units of volume flow per unit time per unit pressure gradient. D. Decreased during exercise. E. Regulated reflexly by sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves.

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A. True The pressure head needed to drive cardiac output through the pulmonary circuit about 15 mmHg is much less than that needed in the systemic circuit about 90 mmHg. B. False The reverse is true; low alveolar PO2 may cause pulmonary hypertension. C. False These are conductance units the reciprocal of resistance units. D. True Thus there is little rise in pulmonary arterial pressure during exercise despite the increased flow rate. Release of nitric oxide from the pulmonary vascular endothelium may account for the vasodilatation. E. False Pulmonary vascular resistance is controlled by local rather than by nervous mechanisms.

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