Doubtnut Promotions Sticky


If n is a positive integer find the coefficient of x–1 in the expansion of1 + xn1 + 1/xn

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We haveNow to find the coefficient of x–1 in 1 + xn1 + 1/xn it is equivalent to finding coefficient of x–1 in 1 +x2n/xn  which in turn is equal to the coefficient of xn – 1 in the expansion of 1 + x2n.Since 1 + x2n= 2nC0 x0 + 2nC1 x1 + 2nC2x2 + ... + 2nCn – 1xn–1 + ... + 2nC2n x2nThus the coefficient of xn – 1 is 2nCn – 1

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