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What is thorax ? Describe its appendages and spiracles present on it.

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Thorax. It is a part of body of cockroach lying next to head. It is attached to head by neck.
Thorax consists of three segments, viz. anterior prothorax, middle mesothorax and posterior metathorax.
Appendages. Each thoracic segment bears a pair of legs. Thus, there are six legs of a cockroach as in an insect. Usually two pairs of wings are present: anterior pair arises from the mesothorax and the posterior pair from the metathorax. The wings in some cases are absent e.g. Blatta orientalis.
A. Legs. Each leg is five segmented. The segments are called podomeres. The prothoracic legs are smallest and metathoracic legs are largest. Each leg has following podomeres :
(a) Coxa. It is the proximal part of leg. It is attached to the side of throax. It is very stout find of small size.
( b) Trochanter. It is a small, hard podomere, which.lies next to the coxa. Trochanter articulates movably with the coxa, but is fused with the next podomere, the femur.
(c) Femur. It is a long and the stoutest part of the leg, bearing sensory bristles.
(d) Tibia. It is a thin, slender and the longest part of the leg, which also possesses bristles.
(e) Tarsus. It is a terminal part of the leg, composed of five tarsomeres. The terminal tarsomere is known as pretarsus, which bears two sharp curved claws and a soft hairy pad, the pulvillus, in between the two claws. Each tarsomere possesses a soft adhesive pad, the plantula on its lower side. The claws and pads help the cockroach grasping the substratum firmly.
B. Wings. Two pairs of wings are found in cockroach. The first pair is mesothoracic and attached with the tergum of the mesothorax. The second pair is metathoracic connected with tergum of metothorax. In fact, the wings are the membranous outgrowth of the body wall, supported by a network of ridges, the nervures. During early stages, nervures are filled with blood, but later on they are filled with air. The movement of the wings is controlled by the special set of muscles.
(a) Mesothoracic wings. They are thick, leathery, opaque and dark coloured structures, which are somewhat narrow at the distal end. They are larger than the second pair of wings. They are not used for flight, but cover and protect the metathoracic wings. Mesothoracic wings are attached with theanterio-lateral margin of the mesothoracic tergum. They are also called wing-covers or tegmina.
(b)Metathoracic wings. They are delicate, thin, transparent and membranous structures with broad terminal end. They are used for flight, but in the resting position lie folded below the tegmina. Metathoracic wings are attached with the anteriolateral margin of the metathoracic tergum.
C. Spiracles. There are present two pairs of thoracic spiracles. The first pair of spiracles is known as mesothoracic lying in front of the mesothorax between the bases of first and second pair oflegs. These are the largest spiracles. The second pair of spiracles are called metathoracic, lying in front of the metathorax, between the bases of second and third pairs of legs.
