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Describe briefly the four major groups of protozoa ?

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Protozoan protists are unicellular, or colonial microscopic non-photosynthetic organisms which have holozoic saprobic or parasitic nutrition, glycogen as food reserve and sexual reproduction by syngamy or conjugation. There are four major groups of protozoans :
i) Amoeboid protozoans : These protozoan live in fresh as well as sea water or few inhabiting moist soil. They possess pseudopodia for capturing prey. Few members of this group develops silicious shell around itself. For example, Entamoeba.
ii) Flagellated protozoans : Members of this group of protozoan protist possess flagella for locomotion and have covering of pellicle over their body. Many flayellated protozoans are parasitir and causing disease. For example, Trypanosoma causes African sleeping sickness and Giardia causes Back Peckeres disease.
iii) Ciliated protozoan: These are aquatic actively moving organisms bear large number of cilia on their whole body surface. They have high degree of morphological and physiological specialisation. Fresh water forms bear contractile vacoules for osmoregulation. Ciliates show nuclear diamorphism, i.e., micronucleus (take part in sexual reproduction), macronucleus (controls all vegetative metabolic activities and growth). For example, Paramecium and Balantidiun.
iv) Sporozoans : It is the group which includes diverse organisms that possesses an infectious spore like stage in its life cycle. All the sporozoans are endoparasites and pathogenic and cause diseases. They lack organelles for locomotion.
