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What is the economic importance of fungi?

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Economic importance of fungi are as follows:
I) Useful activities
i) Fungi as food: Yeast is an important source of vitamin B and D.
ii) Fungi as medicine : Penicillin is obtained from Penicillium notatum.
iii) Fungi in industries : Yeast has the property of fermentation because of .zymase. enzyme.
iv) Fungi in phytohormones : Gibberellic acid is obtained from a fungus Fusarium moniliform.
v) Fungi in agriculture : Association of fungi with roots of high plants is called mycorrhiza.
II) Harmful activities
i) Plant diseases
a) Late blight of potato-Phytophthora infestans.
b) Loose smut of wheat-Ustilago tritici.
ii) Human diseases
a) Ear infection - Aspergillus flavus.
iii) Spoilage of foodstuffs: Spores of Rhizopus and Aspergillus germinate on jam, jellies, bread etc. and destroy them.
