What is the LCM of 13,56,29,427?
To find the LCM of the fractions 13,56,29,427, we can use the formula:
LCM of fractions=LCM of numeratorsHCF of denominators
Step 1: Identify the numerators and denominators
The numerators are 1,5,2,4 and the denominators are 3,6,9,27.
Step 2: Calculate the LCM of the numerators
To find the LCM of 1,5,2,4:
- The prime factorization of each number is:
- 1=1
- 5=5
- 2=2
- 4=22
- The LCM is found by taking the highest power of each prime:
- For 2: the highest power is 22 from 4.
- For 5: the highest power is 51 from 5.
Thus, the LCM is:
Step 3: Calculate the HCF of the denominators
To find the HCF of 3,6,9,27:
- The prime factorization of each number is:
- 3=31
- 6=21⋅31
- 9=32
- 27=33
- The HCF is found by taking the lowest power of each prime:
- For 3: the lowest power is 31.
Thus, the HCF is:
Step 4: Calculate the LCM of the fractions
Now we can substitute the values into the formula:
LCM of fractions=LCM of numeratorsHCF of denominators=203
Final Answer
The LCM of 13,56,29,427 is 203.
The numerators are 1,5,2,4 and the denominators are 3,6,9,27.
To find the LCM of 1,5,2,4:
- 1=1
- 5=5
- 2=2
- 4=22
- For 2: the highest power is 22 from 4.
- For 5: the highest power is 51 from 5.
To find the HCF of 3,6,9,27:
- 3=31
- 6=21⋅31
- 9=32
- 27=33
- For 3: the lowest power is 31.
Now we can substitute the values into the formula:
LCM of fractions=LCM of numeratorsHCF of denominators=203
The LCM of 13,56,29,427 is 203.
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