Given an input,a coding machine
generates pass codes for the six batches every day as follows:
Input : see the little squirrels jumping here and there
Pass codes :
Batch I : jumping see here the and little there squirrels
Batch II . the and here little see there jumping squirrels
Batch III : see the there and jumping here squlrrels little
Batch IV : and jumping there herre the squirrels see little and so on.
The first batch timing is 10.00 a.m. and each batch is of
One hour's duration. There is a rest period of one hour after
the work for the fourth batch is over .
The pass code for the batch immediately before the rest
hour was 'there is no permanent solution for mental
problems'. What was the input for the pass code on that day?
mental solution problems is for permanent there no
mental solution permanent for is problems there no
is mental permanent solution there problems no for
is mental permanent there solution problems no for
The correct Answer is:D
The pattern/rule is as follows :
Input : see1 the2 little3 squirrels4 jumping5 here6 and7 there8
First step i.e., Batch I : Words in the previous code are arranged in the order :
5Ist1 2nd6 3rd2 4th7 5th3 6th8 7th4 8th
Second step i.e., Batch II : Words in the previous code are
arranged in the order :
24th7 5th6 3rd3 6th1 2nd8 7th5 1st4 8th
So, Batch I : Words from the latter half and the first half
are written altemately.
Batch II : Pairs of words : 1st-8th,2nd-7th,3rd-6th
and 4th-5th are written respectively.
These two patterns are repeated alternately for generating
pass codes for the subsequent batches.
there 7 is 5 no 8 permanent 6 solution 2 for 4 mental 1 problems 3
InputInput:mental11 solution 22 problems 33 for 44 is 55 permanent 66 there 77 no 88
Pass codes : Batch I(10 a.m. to 11 a.m.):
51st1 2nd 6 3rd 2 4th 7 5th 3 6th 8 7th 4 8th
Batch II (11 a.m. to 12 noon) :
24th7 5th 6 3rd 3 6th 1 2nd 8 7th 5 1st 4 8th
Batch III (12.00 non to 1 p.m.)
11st2 2nd 8 3rd 7 4th 5 5th 6 6th 4 7th 3 8th
Batch IV (1 p.m. to 2 p.m)
74th5 5th 8 3rd 6 6th 2 2nd 4 7th 1 1st 3 8th
Rest hour or break (2 p.m. to 3 p.m.)
Batch V (3 pm to 4 pm):
21st7 2nd 4 3rd 5 4th 1 5th 8 6th 3 7th 6 8th
Batch VI (4 pm to 5 pm) :
54th1 5th 4 3rd 8 6th 7 2nd 3 7th 2 1st 6 8th
So, Batch VI is the last step.
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(i)प्रतिच्छेद करती रेखाए हो।
(ii) समान्तर रेखाए हो।
(iii) सम्पती रेखाए हो|
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