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Describe briefly four major groups of Protozoa.

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All protozoans are heterotrophs and depending upon locomotry organelles, they are divided into four major groups :
1. Amoeboid protozoans or Sarcodines Phylum - Sarcodina- These have following characters :
(i) They are found. in fresh water, sea water or moist soil. Some are parasites e.g. Entamoeba.(ii) The locomotry organelles are pseudopodia as in Amoeba. They also capture food by pseudopodia. The pseudopodia are four types :
(a) Lopopodia (blunt)
(b) Filopodia (Thread like)
(c)Axopodia (Thread like with axial filament)
(d) Reticulopodia (Slender branched reticulate).2. Nutrition is holozoic
3. They may be uninucleate, binucleate or multinucleate eg. giant amoeba.
4. Asexual reproduction occurs by binary fission.
5. Sexual reproduction occurs by syngamy.
2. Flagellated protozoans : (Phylum zoo mastiophora).
Characters :(a)Flagella present may be 1-8 (8 in Giardiana)
(b) They may be free living or parasites.
( c ) Uninucleate or binucleate eg Trypanosoma, Leishmainia, Giardia, etc.
3. Sporozoans (Phylum Sporozoa)Characters :
(a) These protozoans are parasites and pathogenic.
(b) They have no locomotory organelles.
(c) They are uninucleate.
(d) Asexual reproduction by multiple fission and sexual reproduction by syngamy.
(e) They may need the hosts for completing life cycle i.e. Plasmodium, Monocystis.
4. Ciliated protozoans (Phylum Ciliata)
Characters :
(a) They are aquatic, very few parasitic. Some are colonial and sedentary eg. vorticella.
(b) They have cilia for locomotion and ingestion.
(c) Body covering is pellicle.
(d) They are generally binucleate and there is nuclear dimorphism.
(e) They have trichocysts for defence.
(f) Peristome and gullet present.
(g) They reproduce by transverse binary fission and sexual reproduction occurs by conjugation, autogamy or by endomixis or hemixis eg. Paramecium.
