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Explain the acidic nature of acetylenic hydrogen.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Acetylenic Hydrogen:
- Acetylenic hydrogen refers to the hydrogen atoms attached to the carbon atoms in an alkyne, specifically in the molecule ethyne (acetylene), which has the formula C2H2 and features a triple bond between the two carbon atoms.

2. Understanding Acidity:
- Acidity is defined by the ability of a compound to donate a proton (H⁺ ion). In the case of acetylenic hydrogen, we are interested in its ability to release a proton when reacting with a base.

3. Reaction with Sodium:
- When acetylene reacts with sodium metal, it forms sodium acetylide. The reaction can be represented as:
- In this reaction, the acetylenic hydrogen (H) is removed as a proton (H⁺), indicating that it can act as an acid.

4. Hybridization and S Character:
- The carbon atoms in acetylene are sp hybridized. In sp hybridization, the percentage of s character is 50% (since there is one s orbital and one p orbital involved in the hybridization).
- The acidity of a hydrogen atom is influenced by the hybridization of the carbon atom to which it is attached. The higher the s character, the more stable the negative charge on the conjugate base (after the proton is removed), and thus the stronger the acid.

5. Comparison of Hybridization:
- For comparison:
- In sp² hybridization (found in alkenes), the s character is 33%.
- In sp³ hybridization (found in alkanes), the s character is 25%.
- As the percentage of s character increases, the acidity of the hydrogen also increases.

6. Conclusion:
- Therefore, the acetylenic hydrogen is acidic due to its ability to donate a proton and the high s character (50%) of the sp hybridized carbon atoms, which stabilizes the resulting anion (HC≡C⁻) formed after deprotonation.

Updated on:8/8/2024

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