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In gymnosperms, pollination takes place through









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The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understand Gymnosperms: Gymnosperms are a group of plants characterized by having naked seeds. The term "gymnosperm" comes from the Greek words "gymnos" meaning naked and "sperma" meaning seed. This means that their seeds are not enclosed in an ovary.

2. Identify Pollination Mechanisms: Pollination in plants can occur through various agents such as insects, wind, bats, and birds. Each of these agents plays a role in transferring pollen from the male reproductive structures to the female reproductive structures.

3. Focus on Gymnosperms' Pollination: In gymnosperms, the seeds are exposed, which influences how pollination occurs. The specific type of pollination that gymnosperms predominantly use is called "anemophily."

4. Define Anemophily: Anemophily refers to wind pollination. This means that in gymnosperms, pollen grains are carried by the wind to the ovules, which are directly exposed and not covered by any protective structures.

5. Conclusion: Based on the characteristics of gymnosperms and the definition of anemophily, we conclude that the correct answer to the question is that pollination in gymnosperms takes place through wind.

Final Answer: In gymnosperms, pollination takes place through wind (anemophily).

