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Scurry disease is caused by the deficiency of vitamin


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The correct Answer is:B

Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Disease: The question asks about scurvy disease, which is a specific condition that arises due to nutritional deficiencies.

2. Understand the Symptoms: Scurvy is characterized by symptoms such as weakness, anemia, gum bleeding, and skin problems. Recognizing these symptoms can help in understanding the underlying cause.

3. Determine the Nutritional Deficiency: To find out what causes scurvy, we need to identify which vitamin deficiency leads to these symptoms. The options given are B complex, C, K, and D.

4. Research the Role of Vitamins:
- Vitamin B complex is important for energy metabolism.
- Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting.
- Vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption and bone health.
- Vitamin C, however, is known for its role in collagen synthesis, which is vital for the health of connective tissues.

5. Conclude the Cause: Since scurvy is linked to symptoms like gum bleeding and weakness, and considering the role of vitamin C in collagen production, it is clear that scurvy is caused by a deficiency of vitamin C.

6. Select the Correct Option: Based on the analysis, the correct answer to the question is option B: Vitamin C.

Final Answer:
Scurvy disease is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin C.

