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What do you understand by meristematic tissue? Where is it present in a plant? Which tissue does it differentiate into?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Meristematic Tissue:
- Meristematic tissue consists of cells that are actively dividing. These cells are undifferentiated and capable of continuous division, which allows for growth in plants.

2. Location in Plants:
- Meristematic tissue is found in the growing regions of the plant. Specifically, it is located at the tips of roots (root apices), tips of stems (shoot apices), and in the branches. These areas are crucial for the growth and elongation of the plant.

3. Differentiation of Meristematic Tissue:
- The cells of meristematic tissue can differentiate into various types of tissues. Primarily, they differentiate into:
- Dermal Tissue: This tissue forms the outer protective layer of the plant.
- Vascular Tissue: This includes xylem and phloem, which are responsible for the transport of water, nutrients, and food.
- Ground Tissue: This tissue is involved in various functions such as storage, photosynthesis, and support.

- Meristematic tissue is made up of actively dividing cells located in the growing regions of plants, such as root and stem tips. It differentiates into dermal, vascular, and ground tissues.
