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Who was the author of 'Species Plantarum'?

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Identify the Work: The question asks about the author of 'Species Plantarum', which is a significant botanical work.

2. Publication Details: 'Species Plantarum' was published on May 1, 1753. This detail helps to place the work in historical context.

3. Author Identification: The author of 'Species Plantarum' is Carolus Linnaeus, a renowned Swedish botanist.

4. Significance of the Work: This work is crucial as it established a systematic approach to naming plants, known as binomial nomenclature.

5. Content of the Work: In 'Species Plantarum', Linnaeus described around 6,000 plant species, providing each with a genus and species name. This classification system is foundational to modern plant taxonomy.

6. Conclusion: Therefore, the author of 'Species Plantarum' is Carolus Linnaeus.

