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Define the following terms : Freezing point

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1. Understanding the Term: The term "freezing point" can be understood by breaking it down into its components. The word "freezing" refers to the process of a liquid turning into a solid.

2. Definition: The freezing point is defined as the specific temperature at which a liquid changes its state to a solid. This occurs when the temperature of the liquid is lowered to a certain point, causing the particles to slow down and arrange themselves into a solid structure.

3. State Change: During the freezing process, the liquid loses energy, and its molecules come closer together, transitioning from a disordered liquid state to a more ordered solid state.

4. Example: A common example of freezing point is that of water (H2O). The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). At this temperature, water transitions from its liquid form to ice, which is its solid form.

5. Conclusion: Therefore, the freezing point is the temperature at which a liquid becomes solid, and for water, this temperature is 0 degrees Celsius.
