Doubtnut Promotions Sticky

Explain how each of the following factors affects the formation of a solution -
(B) Particle size of the solute

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Step-by-Step Text Solution:

1. Understanding Particle Size: The particle size of a solute refers to the dimensions of the individual particles that make up the solute. This can range from very small particles (like sugar granules) to larger particles (like salt crystals).

2. Dissolution Process: When a solute dissolves in a solvent, the solvent molecules surround the solute particles and pull them apart, allowing them to mix uniformly in the solution.

3. Effect of Particle Size on Dissolution Rate:
- Smaller Particles: Smaller particles have a larger surface area relative to their volume. This increased surface area allows more solvent molecules to interact with the solute particles at the same time, leading to a faster dissolution rate. For example, powdered sugar will dissolve more quickly in water than a sugar cube because the powdered sugar has much smaller particles.
- Larger Particles: Conversely, larger particles have a smaller surface area relative to their volume. This means that fewer solvent molecules can interact with the solute at any given time, resulting in a slower dissolution rate. For instance, a large salt crystal will take longer to dissolve in water compared to smaller salt grains.

4. Conclusion: Therefore, the particle size of the solute is inversely proportional to the time taken to dissolve. Smaller particles dissolve faster, while larger particles dissolve more slowly.

