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Explain how each of the following factors affects the formation of a solution -
( c) Temperature of the solvent

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Definition of Terms:
- Solute: A substance that is dissolved in a solvent. It can be a solid or a liquid.
- Solvent: The liquid in which the solute dissolves, typically present in a larger amount. Water is the most common solvent.

2. Effect of Temperature on Solvent:
- When the temperature of the solvent increases, it affects the solute's ability to dissolve.

3. Kinetic Energy Increase:
- Higher temperatures result in increased kinetic energy of the solvent molecules. This means that the molecules move faster.

4. Collision Frequency:
- As the solvent molecules move more rapidly, they collide with the solute particles more frequently. This increased collision rate helps to break apart the solute particles.

5. Dissolution Process:
- The faster movement of solvent molecules allows them to surround and interact with the solute particles more effectively, leading to a quicker dissolution process.

6. Conclusion:
- Therefore, as the temperature of the solvent increases, the formation of a solution becomes easier and faster due to the enhanced motion and collision of particles.

