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Explain the principal involved in the liquefaction of air.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding Liquefaction of Air:
- Liquefaction of air refers to the process of converting air (a gas) into a liquid state. This is achieved through specific physical processes.

2. Cooling Below Critical Temperature:
- To liquefy a gas, it must be cooled below its critical temperature. The critical temperature is the temperature above which a gas cannot be converted into a liquid, regardless of the pressure applied.

3. Definition of Critical Temperature:
- The critical temperature is defined as the maximum temperature at which a substance can exist as a liquid. Above this temperature, no amount of pressure will cause the gas to liquefy.

4. Process of Liquefaction:
- To successfully liquefy air, it is necessary to cool it below its critical temperature and also below its boiling point at the given pressure. This means that both temperature and pressure play crucial roles in the liquefaction process.

5. Application of Pressure:
- After cooling the air below its critical temperature, applying pressure can further assist in the liquefaction process. However, if the temperature is above the critical temperature, increasing the pressure will not help in liquefying the gas.
