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According to classical physics, an electron in periodic motion with emit electromagnetic radiation with the same frequency as that of its revolution. Compute this value for hydrogen atom in nth quantum theory permit emission of such photons due to transition between adjoining orbits ? Discuss the result obtained.

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To solve the problem, we need to compute the frequency of electromagnetic radiation emitted by an electron in a hydrogen atom during a transition between adjoining orbits, according to both classical and quantum theories. Let's break this down step by step.

Step 1: Frequency of Electron Revolution in Classical Physics

According to classical physics, an electron in a circular orbit emits electromagnetic radiation with a frequency equal to its orbital frequency. The frequency f of an electron in the n-th orbit can be derived from the formula:


- m is the mass of the electron,
- e is the charge of the electron,
- ϵ0 is the permittivity of free space,
- n is the principal quantum number (orbit number),
- h is Planck's constant.

This shows that the frequency is inversely proportional to n3:


Step 2: Frequency of Emitted Radiation in Quantum Theory

In quantum theory, when an electron transitions from the n-th orbit to the (n1)-th orbit, the frequency of the emitted radiation can be calculated using the energy difference between these two states:


Using Bohr's model, the energy levels are given by:


Thus, the energy difference is:


Calculating this difference gives:


Substituting this into the frequency equation:


Step 3: Comparing Classical and Quantum Frequencies

Now we compare the two frequencies:

1. Classical Frequency:

2. Quantum Frequency:

Step 4: Discussion of Results

- For small values of n:
- The quantum frequency is significantly larger than the classical frequency due to the factor 2n1 in the numerator of the quantum frequency expression. This indicates that the quantum model predicts a stronger emission of radiation during transitions between orbits.

- For large values of n:
- As n approaches infinity, the quantum frequency approaches the classical frequency, as the differences in energy levels become negligible. This is known as Bohr's correspondence principle, where quantum mechanics converges to classical mechanics in the limit of large quantum numbers.


The analysis shows that quantum mechanics provides a more accurate description of atomic transitions, especially at lower energy levels, while classical mechanics is a good approximation at higher energy levels.

Updated on:18/9/2024

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