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Solids are not easily compressible. Give reason.

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Step-by-Step Solution:

1. Understanding the Structure of Solids:
- Solids have a definite shape and volume. This is due to the arrangement of their molecules, which are closely packed together.

2. Molecular Arrangement:
- In solids, the molecules are arranged in a fixed, orderly pattern. This tight packing means that the distance between the molecules is very small.

3. Intermolecular Forces:
- The molecules in solids are held together by strong intermolecular forces. These forces keep the molecules in their fixed positions and prevent them from moving freely.

4. Intermolecular Space:
- The space between the molecules in a solid is minimal or negligible. This lack of space means that there is little room for the molecules to move closer together when pressure is applied.

5. Compressibility:
- Compressibility refers to the ability of a substance to decrease in volume under pressure. Since the molecules in solids are already tightly packed and there is little to no space to compress them further, solids are not easily compressible.

6. Conclusion:
- Therefore, the reason solids are not easily compressible is that their molecules are tightly packed, and the intermolecular space is negligible.

Final Answer:
Solids are not easily compressible because the molecules are tightly packed, and the intermolecular space is negligible.

