Number of 9 digits numbers divisible by nine using the digits from 0 to 9 if each digit once is K.8! then K has the value equal to-

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As the number is divisible by 9,
So, we can use the 9 digits from 0 to 8 or 1 to 9.
When we are using digits 0 to 8, the, 0 can not be the first number.
So,total numbers that can be formed =8â‹…8â‹…7â‹…6â‹…5â‹…4â‹…3â‹…2â‹…1=8â‹…8!
When we are using digits 1 to 9, then,
Total numbers that can be formed =9!
So, total numbers possible with both these two cases =9!+8â‹…8!

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