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Complete Solutions to ENGLISH (50 MAKS) (Question Papers) of chapter ENGLISH (2009) of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterENGLISH (2009)
Number Of Questions9
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Answer any two of the following questions :
    (a) How, according to C.E.M. Joad, is modern civilization different from old ones ?
    (b) What should be the rule about conversation ?
    (c ) Why was letter - writing done more meticulously in the past ?
    (d) Why is the author Stephen Leacock not pleased with the photographer ?

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  2. Give, in short, a critical appreciation of any one of the following :
    (a) Everyone Sang
    (b) The Lake Isle of Innisfree
    (c ) The Daffodils
    (d) If.

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  3. What role does Betsy Trotwood play in the life of David Copperfield ?

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  4. Give, in short, a character - sketch of Uriah Heep.

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  5. Do you like David Copperfield ? Give reasons.

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  6. Rewrite the followingg sentences as illustrated through Examples I and II:
    Exp. I : Perhaps he will be severely injured.
    II : He may be severely injured.
    (a) Perhaps he will be promoted next year.
    (b) Perhaps the corn will be cut next week.
    (c ) Perhaps the result will be announced on Tuesday.
    (d) Perhaps the theatre will be closed to - morrow.
    (e ) Perhaps he will come to - day.

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  7. Use the following prepositions once only in the following sentences : (of, to, with, over, by, for, at )
    (a) He gets up …...... Six 'O' clock in the morning.
    (b) Our house stands exactly opposite ….... The hospital.
    (c ) They escaped from the prision and made ....... the nearest road.
    (d) How many ways ........ cooking an egg do you know ?
    (e ) I ram after him and caught him ......... the arm.
    (f) She has no control at all ..... her Children.
    (g) How are we going to deal ...... this new situation ?

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  8. Use the following words once only in the sentences below :
    ( achieve, citizen, anticipate, circumstances, reluctant )
    (a) What did he …....... ? Nothing. He came away empty - handed.
    (b) She was …... To talk about …... Of her brother's death.
    (c ) I........ a rise in wheat prices in the next few days.
    (d) On his passport it says he is a ....... of India.

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  9. What is the difference between simile and metaphor ? Illustrate it with suitable examples.

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ENGLISH (50 MAKS) (Question Papers) questions and complete solutions for chapter ENGLISH (2009) of BIHAR BOARD- PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER of Class 12