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Complete Solutions to ENGLISH (100 MARKS ) ( GROUP -B) of chapter ENGLISH (2016) of Class 12 book with complete answers and questions

ChapterENGLISH (2016)
Number Of Questions4
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Read carfully the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :
    It is the fashion now-days to dismiss God from life together and insist on the possibility of reaching the highest kind of the without the necessity of a living faith in living God (I must confess my inability to drive the truth of the law home to those who have no faith in and no need for a power infinitely higher than themsevles. My own experience has led to the knowledge that fullest life is impossible without an immovable believe in a living Law in obediencce to which the whole universe moves. A man without the faith in like a drop thrown out of the ocean bound to perish. Every drop in the occean shares the majesty and has the honour of giving us the ozone of life.) How is man without faith ?

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  2. Match the poets given in List - A with appropriate titles from List - B List - A

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  3. Name the poets who wrote the following lines :
    (A) Yester night the Sunne went hence
    And yet is here today
    He faith no desire nor sense
    Nor halfe so short a way.
    (B) I celebrate myself and sign myself walk
    And what I assume you shall assume.
    Foe every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
    (C ) Cold, impossible, ahead
    whose white waterfall could bless
    Travellers in their last distress.
    (D) And were the water had dripped from the taps in a small clearness
    He sipped with his straight mouth
    Softly drank through his straight gums
    into his slack long body silently,
    (E) Here lies a most beautiful lady,
    Light of step and heat was she,
    I think she was the most beautiful lady
    That ever was in the West Country.

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  4. Write the summary of any of the following poems :
    (A) Now the Leaves are Falling Fast (B) Fire Hymn (C ) Snake (D) To Autumn.

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ENGLISH (100 MARKS ) ( GROUP -B) questions and complete solutions for chapter ENGLISH (2016) of BIHAR BOARD- PREVIOUS YEAR PAPER of Class 12