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Complete Solutions to LEVEL 1 MCQ s of chapter HEAT of Class 8 book with complete answers and questions

Number Of Questions30
Academic Year2023-24
  1. Which of the following represents the smallest temperature change?

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  2. If C, F and K are the temperature on Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin scale, `DeltaC,DeltaF and DeltaK` are the change in temperature in celsium, Fahrenheit and Kelvin scale, respectively, the correct relation among the following is:-

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  3. The degree of hotness or coldness of a body is called its

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  4. When equal amount of heat is supplied to two different substnace 'A' and 'B', the riese in temperature with time is graphically represented as follows. Choose the correct statement.

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  5. For a certain engineering application, it is required to rise the temperature of a given mass of a body as quickly as possible. The material should have

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  6. Specific heat capacity of water is

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  7. Under normal conditions, naphthalene changes its state from______

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  8. The distance betweent he LFP and UFP of a thermometer is 18 cm. the readint on the thermometer in Fahrenheit scale when the length of the mercury thread is 8 cm is____

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  9. A: At high altitude regions the cooking of food becomes difficult
    B: Water boils at lower temperature when the presure is low.

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  10. The change in temperature of a body is `20^(@)C`, then the change in temperature of Kelvin scale is :-

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  11. In the process of boiling,

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  12. When the pressure increased,

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  13. Food in the pressure cooker is cooked faster, as

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  14. Given that the ratio of specific heat capacity of alcohol to that of water is 13 : 25, which of the following statements is true?
    A: When temperature is raised through `1^(@)C` the heat energy absorbed by 2 kg of alcohol is less than the heat energy absorbed by 1 kg of water.
    B: Heat capacity of 2 kg alcohol is more than the heat capacity of 1 kg water.

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  15. `-40^(@)C` is numerically equal to

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  16. Which of the following properties are suitable for making cooking utensils?

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  17. The advantage of alcohol is thermometric liquid is due to its

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  18. The temperature at which molecular movement of matter ceases is called_____

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  19. Gas thermometers are more sensitive as compared to liquid thermometers, as their

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  20. Which among the following is the hottest substance?

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  21. Mercury is used as thermometer liquid. Which among the following properties of mercury is used in this?

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  22. A difference of temperature of `25^(@)C` is equivalent to a difference of

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  23. Arrange the following steps in proper sequence for the construction and calibration of Celsius thermometer.
    (A) Lower fixing point is marked by immersing the bulb of the thermometer in melting ice taken in a funnel.
    (B) The distance between the two fixed points is called fundamental interval. It is divided into 100 equal divisions in Celsius scale.
    (C) Take a thick walled capillary tube with thin walled glass bulb and fill it with mercury with the help of a funnel.
    (D) Mark the upper fixing point with the help of hypsometer.
    (E) Place the glass bulb in a hot oil bath while filling the mercury to remove the air bubbles.

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  24. A ginven substance of mass 'm' is in solid state at certain temperature. Arrange the following steps in proper sequence to calcualte the total heat energy required to just convert the substance completely into gaseous state.
    (a). Note down the specific latent heat of vaporization of the substance and calculate the heat supplied to convert from liquid to gaseous state using the formula.
    (b) Note down the melting point of the substance and calculate the heat supplied to increase the temperature of the solid to its melting point.
    (c) Note down the boiling point of the substance and calculate the heat supplied to increase the temperature of the substance from melting point to its boiling point.
    (d). Add all the heat energies, it gives the resultant hea supplied to the solid to just convert it into gaseous state.
    (e) Note down the specific latent heat of fusion of the substance and calculate the heat supplied to convert the substance from solid state to liquid state.

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  25. Black surface is a

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  26. As the temperature difference between the ends of a conductor increase the heat transfer rate by conduction____

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  27. heat transfer rate is more ini_____

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  28. Which of the following statements is (are) true about conduction?

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  29. A piece of ice at `0^(@)C` is dropped into water at `32^(@)F`. Which of the following statements is correct?

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  30. Which among the following statement is/are correct?

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LEVEL 1 MCQ s questions and complete solutions for chapter HEAT of PEARSON IIT JEE FOUNDATION of Class 8