Doubtnut Promotions Sticky



Permutation and combination are the ways to represent a group of objects by selecting them in a set and forming subsets. It defines the various ways to arrange a certain group of data. When we select the data or objects from a certain group, it is said to be permutations, whereas the order in which they are represented is called combination. Both concepts are very important in Mathematics. Permutation and combination are explained here elaborately, along with the difference between them. We will discuss both the topics here with their formulas, real-life examples and solved questions.


There are some fundamental principle of counting

(i) Multiplication Principle:

If an operation can be performed in 'm' different ways; following which a second operation can be performed in 'n' different ways, then the two operations in succession can be performed in m×n ways. This can be extended to any finite number of operations.

Example 1

A person wants to go from station P to station R via station Q.There are 4 routes from P to Q and 5 routes from Q to R.In how many ways can he travel from P to R -
(1) 9
(2) 1
(3) 20
(4) 12

He can go from P to Q in 4 ways
and Q to R in 5 ways
So number of ways of travel from P to R is 4 x 5 = 20

Example 2

A college offers 6 courses in the morning and 4 in the evening. The possible number of choices with the student if he wants to study one course in the morning and one in the evening is-
(1) 24
(2) 2
(3) 12
(4) 10

The student has 6 choices from the morning courses out of which he can select one course in 6 ways
For the evening course he has 4 choices out of which he can select one in 4 ways.
Hence the total number of ways = 6x4=24

(ii). Addition principle:

If an operation can be performed in 'm' different ways and another operation, which is independent of the first operation, can be performed in 'n' different ways. Then either of the two operations can be performed in (m+n) ways. This can be extended to any finite number of mutually exclusive operations.

Example 3

A person wants to leave station Q. there are 4 routes from station Q to P and 5 routes from Q to R. In how many ways can he travel the station Q.
(1) 9
(2) 1
(3) 20
(4) 12

He can go from Q to P in 4 ways
and Q to R in 5 ways
he can leave station Q in 4+5=9 ways

Example 4

A college offers 6 courses in the morning and 4 in the evening. The number of ways a student can select exactly one course, either in the morning or in the evening is-
(1) 6
(2) 4
(3) 10
(4) 24

the student has 6 choices from the morning courses out of which he can select one course 6 ways.
For the evening course, he has 4 choices out of which he can select one in 4 ways.
Hence the total number of ways = 6+4=10.


If n is a natural number then the product of all natural number upto n is called factorial n and it is denoted by-
thus n!=n(n1)(n2).....3.2.1 etc.
It is obvious to note that
=n(n1)(n2)(n3)! etc.
Note 0!=1,1!=1,2!=2,3!=6,4!=24,5!=120,6!=720


Each of the different arrangements which can be made by taking some or all of a number of things is called a permutation.


(i) Without Repetition:
(i) The number of permutations of n different things, taking r at a time is denoted by nPr, or P(n,r)
then nPr=n!(nr)! " " (0rn)
=n(n1)(n2)...(nr+1), nN and rW
(ii) the number of arrangements of n different objects taken all at a time is nPn = n!
Note : nP1=n,nPr=n.n1Pr1,nPr=(nr+1).nPr1,nPn=nPn1
(ii) with Repetition :
(a). the number of permutations of n things taken all at a time, p are alike of one kind, q are alike of second kind and r are alike of a third kind and the rest n(p+q+r) are all different is-
(b). the number of permutations pf n differents things taken r at a time when each thing may be repeated any number of times is nr

Example 5

The number of ways in which four persons can sit on six chairs is-
(1) 24
(2) 10
(3) 48
(4) 360


Example 6

In how many ways can 5 prizes be distributed among 4 boys when every boy can take one or more prizes?
(1) 1024
(2) 625
(3) 120
(4) 600

First prize may be given to any one of the 4 boys, hence first prize can be distributed in 4 similarly every one of second, third, fourth and fifth prizes can also be given in 4 ways.
the number of ways of their distribution
= 4×4×4×4×4=45=1024. Ans[1].

Example 7

The number of words that can be formed out of the letters of the word COMMITTEE is-
(1) 9!(2!)3
(2) 9!(2!)2
(3) 9!2!
(4) 9!

There are 9 letters in the given word in which two T's, two M's and two E's are identical. Hence the required number of words =9!2!2!2!=9!(2!)3
Ans. [1]

(iii) Number of Permutations under certain conditions:

(i) The number of permutation of n different things taken all together when r particular things are to be place at some r given places
(ii) The number of permutations of n different things taken r at a time when m particular things. are to be placed at m given places =nmPrm.
(iii) Number of permutations of n different things, taken r at a time, when a particular things is to be always included in each arrangement, is.
(iv)Number of permutation of n different things, taken r at a time, when particular thing is never taken in each arrangement is n1Pr
(v)Number of permutations of n different things, taken all at a time, when m specified things always come together is
(vi) Number of permutations of n different things, taken all at a time, when m specified things. never come together is

Example 8

How many different 4-letter words can be formed with the letters of the word 'JAIPUR' when A and I are always to be included?
(1) 24
(2) 4
(3) 20
(4) 144

Since A and I are always to be included, so first we select 2 letters from the remaining 4, which can be done in 4C2=6 ways. Now these 4 letters can arranged 4!=24 ways, so the required number = 6 x 24 =144 Ans. [4]

Example 9

How many different words can be formed with the letter of the word 'JAIPUR' which start with 'A' and end with I.
(1) 10
(2) 20
(3) 4
(4) 24

After putting A and I at their respective places (only in one way) we shall arrange the remaining 4 different letters at 4 places in 4! ways. Hence the required number
=1×4!=24 Ans. [4]

(iv) Circular Permutations :

(i) Arrangement round a circular table: The number of circular permutations of n different things taken all at a time is (n-1)!, if clockwise and anticlockwise orders are taken as different.
(ii) Arrangement of beads or flowers (all different) around a circular necklace or garland
The number of circular permutations of n different things taken all at a time is 12(n1)!
if clockwise and anticlockwise orders are taken as not different.
(iii) Numbrer of circular permutations of n different things taken r at a time :
Case-1: If clockwise and anticlockwise orders are taken as different, then the required number of circular permutations = nPrr
Case-II: If clockwise and anticlockwise orders are taken as not different, then the required number of circular permutations = nPr2r
(iv) Restricted Circular Permutation:When there is a restriction in a circular permutation then first of all we shall perform the restricted part of the operation and then perform the remaining part treating it similar to a linear permutation.

Example 10

In how many ways can 4 beads out of 6 different beads be strung into a ring -
(1) 45
(2) 24
(3) 360
(4) 180

In this case a clockwise and corresponding anticlockwise ordered will give the same circular permutation. So the required number
6P44.2 =

Example 11

The number of ways in which 10 persons can sit round a circular table so that none of them has the same neighbours in any two arrangements, is
(1) 9!
(2) 129!
(3) 10!
(4) 1210!

10 persons can sit round a circular table in 9! ways. But here clockwise and anticlockwise orders will give the same neighbours. Hence the required number of ways = 129!


Each of the different groups or selections which can be made by some or all of a number of given things without references to the order of the things in each group is called a combination.


these are the many formula given in below.

(i). Selection of objects without repetition :

The number of combination of n different things taken r at a time is denoted by nCr or C (n,r)
then nCr=n!r!(nr)!;(0rn)
if r > n, then nCr=0
Some Important result :
(i) nCn=1,nC0=1
(ii) nCr=nPrr!
(iii) nCr=nCnr
(iv) nCx=nCyx+y=n
(v) nCr+nCr1=n+1Cr
(vi) nCr=nr.n1Cr1
(vii) nCr=1r.(nr+1)nCr1
(viii) nC1=nCn1=n

Example 12

how many combination of 4 letters can be made of the letters of the word 'JAIPUR'?
(1) 15
(2) 30
(3) 360
(4) 24

Here 4 things are to be selected out of 6 different things, So the number of combinations
Ans [1]

(ii). Selections of Objects with Repetition :

The total number of selections of r things from n differents things when each thing may be repeated any number of times is n+r1Cr

Example 13

8 pens are to be selected from pens of 3 colours (pens of each colour being available any number of times), then total number of selections.
(1) 45
(2) 90
(3) 180
(4) 28

Ans. [1]

(iii). Restricted Selection/Arrangement :

(i) The number of combinations of n different things taken r at a time,
(a). When k particular objects occurs is nkCrk
(b). If k particular objects never occur is nkCr
(ii) The number of arrangements of n distinct objects taken r at a time so that k particular object are
(a). always included = nkCrk.r!
(b). never included= nkCr.r!
(iii) The number of combinations of n objects, of which p are indentical, taken r at a time is
(a). npCr+npCr1+npCr2+..........+npC0 if rp.
(b). npCr+npCr1+npCr2+..........+npCrp if r>p.

Example 14

From 4 gentlemen and 6 ladies a committee of five is to be selected. The number of ways in which the committee can be formed so that gentlemen are in majority is -
(1) 66
(2) 156
(3) 60
(4) none of these

The committee will consist of 4 gentlemen and 1 lady or 3 gentlemen and 2 ladies
the number of committees = 4C4×6C1+4C3×6C2=66
Ans. [1]

(iv). Selection from distinct objects:

The number of ways (or combinations) of n different things selecting at least one of them is . nC1+nC2+nC3+.......+nCn=2n1. This can also be stated as the total number of combination of n different things.

Example 15

Ramesh has 6 friends. In how many ways can he invite one or more of them at a dinner?
(1) 61
(2) 62
(3) 63
(4) 64

He can invite one, two three, four, five or six friends at the dinner. So total number of ways of his invitation
= 6C1+6C2+6C4+6C5+6C6

(v) Selection from identical objects

(a). The number of combination of n identical things taking r(rn) at a time is 1.
(b). The number of ways of selecting r things out of n alike things is n + 1 (where r=0,1,2,......n).
(c). The number of ways to select some or all out of (p+q+r) things where p are alike of first kind, q are alike of second kind and rare alike of third kind is = (p+1) (q + 1) (r+1)-1

Example 16

There are n different books and p copies of each in a library. The number of ways in which one or more than one book can be selected is -
(1) pn+1
(2) (p+1)n1
(3) (p+1)np
(4) pn

Total cases = p + 1 (if selected or not)
Required number of ways
=(p+1)(p+1)...n terms-1.

Example 17

A bag contains 3 one rupee coins, 4 fifty paise coins and 5 ten paise coins. How many selection of money can be formed by taking atleast one coin from the bag-
(1) 120
(2) 60
(3) 119
(4) 59

Here are 3 things of first kind, 4 things of second kind and 4 things of third kind so the total number of selections =(3+1)(4+1)(5+1)-1=119

(vi). Selection when both identical and distinct objects are present:

If out of (p+q+r+t) things, p are alike one kind, q are alike of second kind, r are alike of third kind and tare different, then the total number of combinations is


1. The number of ways in which (m + n) different things can be divided into two groups which contain m and n things respectively is
Particular case:
When m = n, then total number of combination is
(a). 2m!(m!)2 when order of groups is considered.
(b). 2m!2!(m!)2 when order of groups is not considered.
2. The number of ways in which (m+n+p) different things can be divided into three groups which contain m, n and p things respectively is
Particular case:
When m=n=p, then total number of combination is
(a). 3m!(m!)3 when order of groups is considered.
(b). 3m!3!(m!)3 when order of groups is not considered.
3. Total number of ways to divide n identical things among r person is
Also total number of ways to divide n identical things among r persons so that each gets atleast one is n1Cr1

Example 18

In how many ways 20 identical mangoes may be divided among 4 persons and if each person is to be given atleast one mango, then number of ways will be-
(1) 1771,969
(2) 1717,969
(3) 1777,696
(4) none of these

20 identical mangoes may be divided among 4 persons in
20+41C41=19C3=1771 ways.
If each person is to be given atleast one mango, then number of ways will be


(i) For given n different digits a,a1,a2, the sum of the digits in the unit place of all numbers formed (if numbers are not repeated) is
i.e. (sum of the digits) (n-1)!
(ii) Sum of the total numbers which can be formed with given n different digits a1,a2, is (a1+a2+a3+.....+an)(n1)! . (111........n times)

Example 19

The sum of all 4 digit numbers formed with the digits 1,2,4 and 6 is
(1) 86650
(2) 86658
(3) 86660
(4) None of these

Sum= (a1+a2+a3+......+an)(n1)! . (111.......n times)
Using formula Sum= (1+2+4+6).3!.(1111)=13×61111=86658
Second Method: Here total 4-digit numbers will be 4!=24. So every digit will occur 6 times at every one of the four places. Now since the sum of the given digits =1+2+4+6=13. So the sum of all the digits at every place of all 24 numbers =13×6=78
So the sum of the values of all digits
at first place =78
at ten place = 780
at hundred place = 7800
at thousand place = 78000
the required sum =78+780+7800+78000=86658


If there are n points in a plane of which (m < n) are collinear, then
(a). Total number of different straight lines obtain by joining these n points is nC2mC2+1
(b). Total number of different triangles formed by joining these n points is nC3mC3
(c). Number of diagonals in polygon of n sides is nC2n i.e. n(n3)2
(d). If m parallel lines in a plane are intersected by a family of other n parallel lines. then total number of parallelograms so formed is
mC2×nC2 i.e mn(m1)(n1)4

Example 20

There are 10 points in a plane and 4 of them are collinear. The number of straight lines joining any two of them is
(1) 45
(2) 40
(3) 39
(4) 38

A straight line can be drawn joining two points, so there will be 10C2 straight lines joining 10 points. but 4 of them are collinear, so we shall get only one line joining any two of these 4 points. Hence the total number of lines = 10C24C2+1=40