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Complete Solutions to Higher order thinking skills questions of chapter CONSUMER'S EQUILIBRIUM of Class 11 book with complete answers and questions

INTRODUCTORY MICROECONOMICS BY SANDEEP GARGHigher order thinking skills questions
Number Of Questions24
Academic Year2023-24
  1. How many ice -cream will a consumer have, it ice-cream is available free of cost'' ?

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  2. 'Law of diminishing marginal utility will operate even if consumption takes place in intervals''. Defend or refute.

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  3. 'TU remains the same, whether MU is positive or negative''. Defend or refute.

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  4. What changes will take place in TU, when (i) MU curve remains above the X-axis, (ii) MU curve touches the X-axis, (iii) MU curve lies below the X-axis.

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  5. Explain the concept of Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS) by giving an example. Explain its behaving along an indifference curve.

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  6. A consumer consumes only two goods X and Y. At a consumption level of these two goods, he finds that the ratio of marginal utility of price in case of X is higher than in case of Y. Explain the reaction of the consumer.

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  7. A consumer consumes only two goods X and Y and is in equilibrium. Price of X falls. Explain the reaction of consumer through the Utility Analysis,
    Suppose a consumer spends his entire income on two goods. X and Y. If he has attained the point of equilibrium through utility analysis, then he will not change his allocation of expenditure on the two goods X and Y, even if price of good X falls. Defend or Refute.

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  8. What is budget set ? Explain what can lead to change in budget set.

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  9. Define a budget line. When can it shift to the right ?

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  10. State the conditions of consumer's equilibrium in the Indifference Curve Analysis and explain the rationale behind these conditions

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  11. Explain the distinction between the equations of buget line and budget constraint.

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  12. A consumer consumers only two goods X and Y both priced at Rs 3 per unit. If the consumer choose a combination of these two goods with Marginal Rate of Substitution equal to 3, is the consumer in equilibrium ? Give reasons. What will a reational consumer do in this situation? Explain.

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  13. A consumer consumes only two goods X and Y whose price are Rs 4 and Rs 5 per unit respectively. If the consumer choose a combination of the two goods with marginal utility of X equal to 5 and that of Y equal to 4, is the consumer in equilibrium ? Give reasons. what will a rational consumer do in this situation ? Use utility analysis.

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  14. A consumer consumer only two goods. For the consumer to be in equilibrium, why must Marginal Rate of Substitution between the two goods must be equal to the ratio of prices of these two goods ? Is it enough to ensure equilibrium ?

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  15. A consumer consumes only two goods. Why is the consumer said to be in equilibrium when he buy only that combination of the two goods Which lies at that point on the Indifference curve where the budget line is tangent to the indifference curve? Explain. Use diagram.

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  16. A consumer's income is Rs 200. He spends it on purchase of goods X and Y. Prices of X and Y are Rs 40 and Rs 20 per unit respectively.
    Answer the following question.
    (a) Write the equation of his budget line.
    (b) Write two such combinations of X and Y which lie on the budget line.
    (c) Write two such combination of X and Y which are a part of his budget set but do not lie on his budget line

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  17. After reaching the point of equilibrium, consumer would not like to change his allocation of expenditure on Goods X and Y ever if price of Good X changes. Do you agree ? Comment

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  18. What does a point on the Budget Line indicate in terms of prices ?

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  19. An indifference curve does not touch either of the axis.' Defend or Refute.

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  20. A consumer consumes only two goods X and Y and prices of Goods X and Y are Rs 4 and Rs 2 respectively. What will be the `MRS_(XY)` when consumer is in equilibrium ?

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  21. How will a consumer react when he finds that `MRS_(XY) lt (P_(X))/(P_(Y))`?

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  22. A consumer consumes only one good. The marginal utility from the good is 60 utils and its price is Rs 7 per unit. Indicate whether the consumer is at equilibrium or not if marginal utility of money for the consumer is 6 utils. What should he do to attain equilibrium ?

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  23. Identify which of the following is not true for the Indifference Curves. Give valid reasons for choice of your answer.
    (a) Lower indifference curve represents lower level of satisfaction
    (b) Two regular convex to origin indifference curves can intersect each other.
    (c) Indifference curve must be convex to origin at the point of tangency with the budget line at the consumer's equilibrium. ltbr. (d) Indifference curves are drawn under the ordinal approach to consumer equilibrium

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  24. A consumer has total money income of Rs 250 to be spent on two goods X and Y with prices of Rs 25 and Rs 10 per unit respectively. On the basis of the information given, answer the following questions:
    (a) Given the equation of the budget line for the consumer.
    (b) What is the value of slope of the budget line?
    (c) How many units can be consumer buy if he is to spend all his money income on good X?
    (d) How does the budget line change if there is a fall in price of good Y ?

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Higher order thinking skills questions questions and complete solutions for chapter CONSUMER'S EQUILIBRIUM of SANDEEP GARG ECONOMICS (HINGLISH) of Class 11