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Kind the range of the function f(x)=1x+42.

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Using the mthod described in the previous examples, find the inverse to be f1(x)=1x+24.
Since x=-2 is not in the domain of f1, the value -2 is not in the range of f, so the range of f1 is all real numbes except -2. A function f is called even if f(-x)=f(x) for all x in its domain. for even functions, outputs are equal for opposite inputs. in fact, the designation "even" comes from power functions of the form f(x)=xn, where n is an even integer. the graphs of even functions are symmetric about the y-axis.
A function f is called odd if f(-x)=-f(x) for all x in its domain. for odd functions are symmetric about the origin.
Unlike integers, functions need not be even or odd. a function such as f(x)=x2+x+1 is neither even nor odd.
Even and odd relations are similarly defined. a relation is called even if (-x,y) is in the relation whenever (x,y) is, and it is called odd if (-x,-y) is in the relation whenever (x,y) is relation, unlike functions, can be both evenn and odd. the unit circle x2+y2=1 is an example of such a relation.
The sum of even functions or relations is even, and the sum of odd functions is odd. the product of two even or odd functions is even, while the product of an even function and an odd function is odd.
